
 gŏđŏ Counties want feedback on Official Plan review

Rockland Plaza progress GREGGCHAMBERLAIN want to be part of Rockland Plaza. The exist- ing Benjamin Moore operation there will be available for a new leaseholder as Harden confirmed the current franchisee will be re- tiring.

The report covers all details of the current OP along with the suggested revisions to meet current planning concerns like deal- ing with environmental protection while managing new development, and future issues like demands for recreation needs within the region. Individuals and groups can email com- ments on the report to the counties at or attend the public information and review session. L’ORIGNAL | As autumn approaches ev- erything is looking good with accounting ledger for the counties. The United Counties of Prescott-Russell (UCPR) has posted its year-to-date financial summary and so far expenses and revenue are matching the projections in this year’s budget. “We’re on target,” said Stéphane Parisien, UCPR chief administrator, during a phone interview. “There’s nothing abnormal.” La Maison du Store 613 850-5744 $ 5.00 Le 3433 ch. Gendron Hammond, On. Counties accounts


ROCKLAND | The next phase is underway on the Rockland Plaza project. Developer Brent Harden announced that negotiations are almost complete for a new 8000-square-foot addition to the commer- cial centre on County Road 17 with a na- tional-brand franchise expected to set up shop. The name of the store is under wraps at present until the lease agreement is com- pleted but Harden expects to be able to an- nounce the latest addition to the plaza later this month. Meanwhile Harden has confirmation of interest from three national franchises who

Second Cup and Dairy Queen want to set up outlets in Rockland at the plaza. Details on these franchises are available from Alex- andra Harden, plaza marketing coordinator, at 613-983-7404. She also is coordinating with representatives for The Brick, OK Tire and Femmes en Forme, which have ex- pressed interest in Rockland as part of their upcoming expansion plans. OK Tire could become part of a new “au- tomotive service” corner for Rockland Plaza. Brett Harden confirmed that Speedy Auto Glass and Oil Changers are expected to open up outlets in Rockland there next year.

L’ORIGNAL | Anyone and everyone with an interest in the future development of Prescott and Russell counties has a chance to give their say. The United Counties of Prescott-Russell (UCPR) is nearing the final stages of its scheduled five-year review and revision of the Official Plan (OP). A copy of the draft re- port of the proposed OP revision is now on the counties website and the UCPR coun- cil has accepted a recommendation from Planning Director Louis Prévost to schedule public hearings on the report and the five- year-review for next month. “But the consultation period begins im- mediately,” said Warden René Berthiaume, following presentation of the report sum- mary during the Aug. 28 counties council session. Déboisement de terrain Achat & Coupe sélective

René Corbeil 613 297 1990

Hommage à Guy Lafleur Événement très spécial Le 13 septembre 2013 à compter de 15h

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