Personnel Manual

21. It’s possible, of course, to be loyal to your employer but still to disagree with some rules and policies. o Has that ever happened to you? 22. My employees sometimes work without close supervision. o How do you feel about this? 23. Give me an example of a time you did more than was required in your job. o Was it worth it? o Why? 24. Describe a situation where you found you had a serious problem. o What did you do to solve it? 25. Give me an example of a time you found it necessary to make an exception to the rules in order to get something done. 26. Do you feel that some rules should be obeyed more strictly than others should? o Give some examples. 27. What was the best decision you ever made? o What were your other choices? o How did you go about making this decision? 28. What was the worst decision you ever made? o What were your other choices? o How did you go about making this decision? o Why did you notice? o How did you react? 33. Have you recently had an accident or a close call? o Why do you think it happened? 34. Do you feel you made a personal sacrifice for a past employer? o Describe what happened. 35. Have you ever had the frustrating experience of giving instructions to someone and then learning that he or he/she did it all wrong? o Why do you think that happened? 36. What did you like best about your previous job? o What did you like least? 37. What kind of work has given you the greatest feeling of achievement and satisfaction? 38. What parts of your work have you found the most frustrating or unsatisfying? 39. If you were going to evaluate your own performance, which things would you consider most important? 40. What did you like the best about your previous job? o What did you like the least? 41. What part of your work has given you the greatest feeling of achievement or satisfaction? 42. What parts of your work have you found the most frustrating or unsatisfying? 29. What is the most difficult decision you ever had to make? 30. How do you feel when your schedule is upset by interruptions? o Why? 31. How would you feel if a customer did not like the quality of your work? 32. Have you recently seen someone else doing a job in an unsafe manner?

MOLLY MAID Personnel Manual Copyright  2015, Molly Maid, Inc.

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