Leadership in Action - US English - 201908


Melinda Lough NEW MEXICO Restoring Dreams through Melaleuca

different as apples and oranges,” she explains. “In my corporate job, I worked so hard to build other people’s empires. I was also an at-will employee, so I worked really hard to make myself invaluable. And that’s what a lot of people in corporate America have to do. They have to put their jobs before their families so their companies won’t get rid of them. “And now, I get to build my own empire. I get to build something I see value in. And I get to build this empire by lifting others up. I love that. I love that a little guy like me, who lives in a town with one Dollar General store and a post office, can do this and can bring others with her.” Melaleuca has also given Melinda hope again. “For the first time, I feel like we’re going to be okay,” Melinda says. “My daughter is going to be able to go to any college she wants to. I’m going to pay my mortgage off early. If you had told me five years ago that this was possible, I would have laughed at you. But you know, Melaleuca gives people hope. It has brought hopes and dreams back into our lives. And for the first time probably ever, I can be positive about the future.” Sharing this hope with others and getting people dreaming again is Melinda’s favorite part of her job. “Melaleuca is for those people who work multiple jobs and have lost their dreams and lost their hope and feel like they’ll never get to raise their kids because they have to work too much. I love showing others that they can do it just like I did. I love seeing lives change through Melaleuca businesses.” L

When Director 5 Jennifer Dansie invited Melinda Lough to a Melaleuca Overview, Melinda didn’t even have time to consider attending one, let alone actually attend one. At the time, she was working three jobs and raising two kids. Jennifer was persistent though, and Melinda finally agreed to listen to an Overview, but she made it clear that she only had 30 minutes and wouldn’t stay a minute longer. Thirty minutes into the presentation, Jennifer told Melinda a half hour had passed. But Melinda wasn’t going anywhere. Earlier that week, she had put on an event at her house that helped local artists by giving them a space to display and sell their work. “During that Overview, I just kept thinking, ‘If I can help people in my community on a small level, what can I do with this company?’” Melinda says. Melinda wasn’t the only one who saw value in Melaleuca. “On our way home from the Overview,” Melinda recalls, “my daughter looks over at me, and she says, ‘Mom, God sent us this. You know that, right?’ And I’ve been on fire ever since. I saw a better life and a better way for my kids and me.” Melinda continued to work her corporate job as she built her Melaleuca business. She was able to bring herself home three years ago. “Corporate America and Melaleuca businesses are as

“Some people want a different life,” Melinda says. “And they’re on their knees praying for what we have here at Melaleuca. So it’s our job to give back.”




Results vary. For typical results, please consult the Annual Income Statistics on page 58.

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