King's Business - 1958-07

with His glory. When Moses came out of the mountain his face was shining with the glory of God. Why? Because he had gazed into the face of God for 40 days. And when he came down he stood a transfigured man before the people with the image of God in his face so that he had to cover it, for they could not bear looking upon it. How beautiful then is it that as we look unto Jesus, we are transformed into the image of Jesus. That even down here in the dark night of faith, somehow or other, we grow like Him. Do we say communion is passive? Do we say a busy man has no time to spend in communion? You may live along the line of a great rail­ road for many years and notice that it does not make any differ­ ence how the freight yards are con­ gested with traffic or how occupied the train men are with their var­ ious duties, those great freight and passenger engines are never too busy to stop for fuel. And why? Because fuel means power. So the man who says he is too busy to spend time in communion with God simply says he is too busy to have power with God. And as that whole great railroad system would be tied up with helpless, “ dead” locomo­ tives, as the railroad men call them, if they did not stop long enough to get power, even so a great deal of our Christian work is tied up with helpless, lifeless Christians, because they do not stop long enough to get the power of God. W e are told of Gabriel, that when he came to Zacharias, he said: “ I am Gabriel, which stands in the pres­ ence of God, and I am sent.” Do we say that it is a passive life to wait before God in communion? It is those that wait before Him who are sent by Him. No man is fitted to look into the face of men in service until he has looked into the face of God in communion. Oh, when we remember that looking unto Him in communion, as we have seen, reveals His mind, impresses His image, fills with His life and gives His power, then who is so fitted to go forth and take the messages of God and do the service of God as the man who is trans­ formed into the image of God, filled with the life of God and knows the will of God? That is why commun­ ion fits us for the service of God.


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The King's Business/July 1958


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