
THE RETURN OF THE RICEVILLE AGRICULTURAL FAIR $ 0 - - & $ 5 * 7 * 5  r  $ 0 . . 6 / * 5 :

Sunday was more than a bit damp but that did not stop the competitors in the tractor pull at the Riceville Fair. —photo Riceville Fair Facebook gallery

REMERCIEMENT SPÉCIAL DU CENTRE D’AIDE ROCKLAND À PARENT INDÉPENDANT SPECIAL THANKS FROM THE ROCKLAND HELP CENTRE TO PARENT INDEPENDENT Depuis 20 ans, l’épicerie Independant de Rockland participe à toutes les collectes de fonds que nous organisons au cours de l’année. Cette année encore, lors de la collecte nationale de denrées alimentaires, le Centre d’aide a reçu un chèque de 6 816,71 $. Since 20 years Independent grocer store in Rockland is participating in every fundraising that we organise during the year. Again this year during the National Food drive the Help Center received a check for the amount of $6,816.71.

France Saumure, de Clarence Creek, présente ses essuie-mains en chenille faits main à son kiosque d’artisanat à la foire de Riceville. —photo Gregg Chamberlain


The weather wasn’t as cooperative for the Riceville Fair as it had been for other local agricultural fairs making a comeback after getting cancelled by the pandemic last year. But fair volunteers and spectators still showed their sup- port by welcoming the return of one of the oldest farm fairs in Ontario. Saturday was cool and cloudy but still comfortable for fairgoers who wandered through the exhibition hall with its award- winning displays of local produce, flower arrangements, home arts, and other dis- plays. Over in the show ring, riders of all ages guided their horses through their paces before the judges in the showmanship riding. Live music filled the air as the various exhibitions took place. Sunday’s antique trac- tor pull entrants had a track that was more slippery than expected for driving thanks to a heavy morning rain but drivers still carried on to prove who had the toughest, stronger tractor.

Cancer? Nous sommes là.

Wow! Un gros merci à tous nos clients pour avoir été si généreux! Merci à nos employés pour votre dévouement lors de cette collecte de fonds. Wow! A huge thank you to all our customers for your generosity during the Give a little help a lot campaign! Shout out to our staff for your efforts, we couldn’t have done it without you. Karl Parent Karl Parent (owner/propriétaire), Brennan Hess (manager/gérant), Kelsey Gilchrist (front end manager/gestionnaire), Marjolaine Marcil (Help Center volunteer/bénévole Centre d’aide), André Perras (President Help Center/président Centre d’aide).

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