London-LA 2023 Inserts

The Feel-Good Flower Essences was written to give the world the benefit of a number of new flower essences discovered by the author, as well as to provide nat- ural health practitioners with a good flower essences desk-top handbook for quick reference in the busy practice.

My Vision: A Journey Through Biblical Truth is the story of abomination that happened in the beginning onto the day Noah entered the ark that seem to be repeating today.

$9.99 ● Paperback ● 9798986644028 $2.9 9 ● eBook

$12.00 ● Paperback ● 9781952046704 $2.99 ● eBook

A CRUEL CALM, Paris Be - tween the Wars visits an era of idealism and innovation on all levels when Paris was the cultural capital of the Western World. Politics, religion, social mores and a special time in history (1927-1939) determine the fate of a young Catholic so- cialite from Washington, DC as she tries to find out if it is only after great sorrow that love can come again.

Above the Storm Clouds communicates that as an active Christian, you are to continue growing stronger daily in Biblical truth until reaching the level where you’re con dent and able to counsel, tutor, and disciple new believers. It’s an excit- ing adventure regarding the greatest and most rewarding assignment given to man- kind.

$14.95 ● Paperback ● 9780990801146 $28.95 ● Hardback ● 9780990801153 $3.99 ● eBook

$11.99 ● Paperback ● 9781641337731 $3.99 ● eBook

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