King's Business - 1921-07

644 T HE K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S nature, not from without. If so, Jesus had an inherent evil nature, was not conceived of the Holy Ghost, was not the spotless Son of God and Him­ self needs a Savior.. From repudiating the Bible teaching that the source of evil emanates from a great personality opposed to God, it is only one more step to do away with the incarnation of Christ. Mr. Jump gives no explanation of the presence and power of evil in the world. Anyone who has made a study of sin, must realize that the problem goes far deeper than human depravity and free agency. There is a mightier hand that pushes men on, a spirit that in many cases enters in and controls, compelling men to do what their own hearts do not desire to do. The passions of men are fanned by the breath of an invisible person­ ality. To deny the existence of that personality puts one all the more in his grip and serves his purpose better. The devil is a theologian with clearly defined doctrines. Some of these doctrines have been expressed through our friend Jump. K. L. B. The True Estimate of the Bible. J. M. Stanfield has issued a book on Christ’s second coming in' support of the postmillennial theory. We were interested in his introductory statements in which he says he sets great value upon the writings of Moody and the work of the Moody Institute and the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, “ from most every stand­ point, except their premillennial theory.” “ I most heartily agree,” he continues, “ with such men as Torrey, Chapman, Scofield, Gray and others, in teaching that the Bible from Genesis to Revelation is the very Word of God. I have become so disgusted with the materialism and higher criticism that .pervades the Sunday school literature of my denomination that I use the helps in The King’s Business and Christian Workers Magazine. I read these two magazines regularly and their sound Scriptural teaching in the main strengthens my faith.” ' Mr. Stanfield, in other words, has noticed the tendency of postmillen­ nial writers to discount the Scriptures. They usually begin by questioning the inspiration of those writings in which the so-called pessimistic view of the 'close of the age appears most prominently. They are almost sure to go on to question other vital doctrines, such as the atonement, a literal resurrection, the virgin birth, regeneration, etc. The postmillennial idea invariably tends toward social regeneration rather than individual salva­ tion and thus turns completely away from God’s program as defined in the Scriptures. Mr. Stanfield is disgusted with higher criticism. Has he not noticed that almost without exception the higher critics have come from the ranks of postmillennialists ? He honors premillennialists because of their adher­ ence to the great doctrines. Would it not seem strange that men who place so high a value upon the words of God should go entirely astray re­ garding this one doctrine which is referred to in plain terms in the New Testament three hundred and eighteen times or more often than almost any other doctrine in the New Testament?

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