2021 CHRISTMAS CHEER PENNY AUCT ION S u bm i t t e d b y S u s t a i n a b l e De v e l o pme n t
With our hearts full of gratitude, we want to thank all the sponsors and people who took the time to attend our Christmas Cheer Penny Auction. Without each and every one of you our event would not have been a smashing success. Sustainable Development Christmas Elves worked very hard to spread the Christmas Cheer. We are truly blessed to have amazing community members to want to give back. We had a few hiccups, but it was fun and worth it all to see so many happy people enter our doors. We had a total of 103 prizes and raised the grand total of $21,936.58 for our auction. The proceeds were divided between Biigtigong Nishnaabeg Christmas Food Drive and Marathon Community Collective. Hats off to all the sponsors this was much more than we anticipated but we felt all your Christmas love and cheer. We all wanted to ensure we were able to make many people happy and spread Christmas smiles and ensure everyone had a wonderful Christmas.
Photos taken by “Sugar Plum” Cassandra Cress Your Head Elf “Peppermint Sparkles” Florinda Christianson Our Department Elves: “Holly Jingles” Juanita Starr
“Snowflake Twinkle” Brittany Moses “Snuggles Coco” Kierstin Kwissiwa “Chippy Pep” Russell Twance Other helpful Jolly Elves: “Cupcake Pom Pom” Shannon LeSarge “Glitterpants” Kim McWatch “Sparkledust Perky” Joni Michano
Hope you all had a very Merry Christmas and all the best in 2021!
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