WA Home Stories Summer 2022

How we protect your privacy

Considering recent events in the news regarding privacy breaches in Australia, we thought it was timely to reassure tenants about how we collect and protect personal information. Protecting your privacy is important to Housing Choices WA. You can expect that personal information collected by us will be handled in accordance with our policies and the Australian Privacy Principles under the Privacy Act 1988.

What kinds of information we collect By consenting to receive our services, you are also consenting to us collecting your personal information. We aim to only collect your personal information where necessary to enable us to deliver effective housing services. Examples of the types of personal information we collect can include your contact details, household circumstances and income details.

How we collect and use your personal information

We collect and use your information for purposes related to our housing services which includes, but isn’t limited to getting in touch with you, assessing your eligibility for housing, calculating your rent, identifying your individual needs or for evaluation purposes. We do not share your personal information or discuss your tenancy with any individual or organisations without your consent. We will only share personal information without your consent if we are required by law or other government obligations.

How long we keep your information

How we keep your personal information safe Housing Choices WA will store your information securely either electronically or in paper form. We keep your data secure via website protection measures, access restrictions to our computer systems and restricted access to our office premises. Housing Choices WA staff have also recently received additional training regarding managing your privacy.

We will only keep your information for as long as we need it, or as long as the State Government requires. Once your information is no longer required to be stored, we will archive and securely destroy or de-identify that information.


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