U neposrednoj blizini Milana leže jezera Garda (120 km), Komo (50 km), Mađore (70 km) i Iseo (86 km), a to su samo ona najve- ća. Boravak u ovom kraju sveta, kažu, znači izgubiti se u bujnoj prirodi koja ima moć da obnovi um i telo. Prekrasnim pejzaži- ma lombardijskih voda možete dodati rustična sela izgubljena u vremenu, drevne dvorce i manastire, mesta bogata istorijom i karakterom, muzeje. Neće baš ništa faliti ni ljubiteljima dobre hrane jer restorani imaju bogatu ponudu riba koje nastanjuju jezera (šaran, bela riba, pastrmka, štuka...), uz izvrsno maslinovo ulje, špargle i domaća vina.
GARDA Sva jezera pozivaju turiste na jedinstveno i posebno iskustvo, počev od jezera Garda, najvećeg u Italiji. Nalazi se u severoistoč- noj Italiji, između Venecije i Milana, a njegov veličanstveni pej- zaž bio je dovoljan da inspiriše slavne ličnosti kao što su Dante Aligijeri, Gete, Bajron ili Stendal. Jezero je okruženo zelenim brdi- ma, vinogradima, maslinjacima, plantažama limuna. Sirmione je jedan od najposećenijih priobalnih gradića na ovom jezeru, a uz njegove uske ulice, zamak Skaliđero i ostatke antičke rimske vile imaćete utisak kao da ste zalutali u neko drugo vreme.
Er Srbija leti do Milana 7 puta nedeljno Air Serbia flies to Milan 7 times a week
KOMO U zagrljaju zelenih šumskih oboda i snegom pre- krivenih Alpa nalazi se jezero Komo, treće po veličini u Italiji, ali i jedno od najdubljih u Evropi. Brodićem se može stići do Belađa, grada koji de- li jezero na tri dela. Glečerskog je porekla, sma- ragdne boje vode i predivne zelene vegetacije. Prirodna lepota koja ga okružuje privlači i svet- ski poznate ličnosti, pa rado u vilama duž njego- ve obale borave Andželina Džoli, Džordž Kluni, Arnold Švarceneger, Šeron Stoun i mnogi drugi... COMO In the embrace of green forests at its edges and the snow-topped Alps is Lake Como, the third largest in Italy, but also one of the deepest in Eu- rope. You can travel by boat to Bellagio, a vil- lage that divides the lake into three parts. Glacial in origin, it has emerald colour water and is sur- rounded by beautiful green vegetation. The nat- ural beauty surrounding this lake attracts well- known celebrities, so the villas along its shores are known to welcome the likes of Angelina Jolie, George Clooney, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sha- ron Stone and many others.
GARDA All these lakes invite tourists to a unique and special experi- ence, starting from Lake Garda, the largest in Italy. Located in north-eastern Italy, between Venice and Milan, its magni- cent scenery was enough to inspire artists like Dante Alighieri, Goethe, Byron or Stendhal. The lake is surrounded by green hills, vineyards, olive groves and lemon plantations. Sirmione is one of its most visited lakeside towns, and along its narrow streets, through Scaligero Castle and the remains of an ancient Roman villa, you will get the impression that you’ve wandered into some bygone time.
I n the immediate vicinity of Milan are lakes Garda (120km), Como (50km), Mag- giore (70km) and Iseo (86km), and those are only the largest. It is said that spend- ing time in this part of the world means losing yourself to lush nature that has the power to rejuvenate mind and body. To the beautiful landscapes of Lombardy’s wa- ters, you can add its rustic villages lost in time, ancient castles and monasteries, places rich in history and character, museums. Nothing will be lacking for lovers of good food either, because local restaurants have a rich oer of sh sourced from the lakes (carp, tench, trout, pike etc.), accompanied with excellent olive oil, asparagus and local wines.
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