ProMotion_EMOMS and AMRAPS

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Before getting into the benefits of EMOMs and AMRAPs, it is important to discuss exactly what they are. EMOMs stand for “Every Minute on the Minute.” For example, if you want to do an EMOMworkout for 10 minutes, you can designate the even numbers for a specific exercise (such as squats), and then the odd numbers for a different specific exercise (such as pushups). That way, you are alternating between the same exercises, doing each for a full minute each time until the clock stops. AMRAPs stand for “As Many Reps as Possible.” The name itself is pretty self-explanatory – basically, you are trying to do as many reps of a specific exercise as possible, in a pre-determined period of time. For example, if you want to do an AMRAP workout for 5 minutes and you want to work on squats, you will try and do as many reps of squats as you can in a 5-minute time frame. There are many benefits to both EMOM and AMRAP workouts. If you are looking for more information in adding these to your daily workout routine, contact ProMotion Rehab today! THE BENEFITS OF EMOM AND AMRAP WORKOUTS: With “Every Minute on the Minute” workouts, you have the freedom and flexibility to decide exactly what exercises you want to do and how long you want to do them for. In fact, NBC News states: “The beauty of EMOM workouts is that you can personalize the programming and design

it basically any way you’d like. You can tailor the number of reps, minutes and rounds to your fitness goals. EMOM workouts are also a great form of metabolic conditioning, which trains your body to use oxygen efficiently and revs up your metabolism. So if you’re training for a race or an athletic event, for instance, EMOMs are especially helpful for building power, speed and endurance.” With “As Many Reps as Possible,” workouts you also have a lot of freedom in setting your own time parameters and deciding exactly what type of exercise you want to focus on during that amount of time. According to VeryWell Fit: “The beauty of the workout is in the simplicity of the format. ‘Performing workouts for AMRAP allows you to gradually enhance your strength and aerobic capacity with just your body weight,’ says CJ McFarland, the Head Strength and Conditioning Coach for Onnit Academy Gym in Austin, TX. This is because the focus of each workout is on form and intensity.” However, there are also some things to consider when participating in AMRAPworkouts. VeryWell Fi t shares these two tips: 1. Try to maintain a consistent pace throughout each AMRAP. It’s normal to complete the first round or two at a fast pace, then to slow significantly as the workout progresses. Try to pace yourself, paying attention to your form and breath rate. “Keeping a consistent pace results in the most benefit from the sustained work,” McFarland says.

2. Use the same pre-determined AMRAP time for at least two sessions before adding time. By performing the exact same workout on at least two separate occasions, including the length of time you allot to complete the AMRAP, you’ll be able to monitor your improvements. As in the example cited previously with 60-seconds of air squats, if you know how many reps or rounds you complete in your first attempt, you knowwhat it’ll take to beat your record the next time you attempt the routine. LOWER-LEVEL EMOMS AND AMRAPS Are you building up to amore strenuous workout routine but aren’t quite there yet? If so, lower-level EMOMs and AMRAPs may be for you! With these exercises, you can still completemany of the same exercises from a seated position or alternating seated/standing positions. For example, one optionmay be alternating between chair push-ups and seated marches for a set amount of time. Lower-level EMOMs and AMRAPs are great for anyone who is just starting out in vigorous exercise, so your body can gain strength before taking it to the next step. It is still possible to get the cardiorespiratory benefits of working out even when seated, depending on your baseline level of fitness. Therefore, anyone can achieve a lower-level EMOMor AMRAPworkout if they have the proper programming – which, as always, a physical therapist can help with!

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