njujork u fokusu / new york in focus
CROSS THE BROOKLYN BRIDGE ON FOOT You’ll have the most beautiful view of Manhattan if you leave it. One option is to visit the magnificent 1,825-metre-long Brooklyn Bridge, which connects Manhattan and Brooklyn. The construction of the bridge began in 1870, shortly af- ter its creator, John Roebling, got stuck in the ice on a ferry crossing the East River. At the time, this bridge represented a wonder of architecture, and nobody was certain that it was safe. In order for the builders to prove its stability, they led a column of circus animals across it, including 21 elephants. Roebling didn’t live to see his bridge completed. He was among the 20 people who died during its construction.
NAPRED, JENKIJI! NAPRED, METSI! Iako je američki fudbal najpopularniji nacionalni sport, odla- zak na bejzbol meč je neizostavni deo američke tradicije. No- vi stadion Jenkija nalazi se u Kvinsu, a stadion Metsa odavno je u Kvinsu. Za koji god da se odlučite, odlazak na utakmicu jednog od dva omiljena njujorška tima predstavlja autentič- no iskustvo. Ako se nađete u Njujorku kad igraju jedan protiv drugog, to je tek posebni spektakl. KIP SLOBODE Da biste posetili simbol ne samo Njujorka nego i cele Ameri- ke, moraćete izaći sa Menhetna i popeti se uz 354 stepenice. Dama koja predstavlja Libertas, rimsku boginju slobode, do- vezena je 1886. godine u vidu 300 komada bakra. Bila je po- klon Francuske. Libertas nosi baklju i ploču, na kojoj se nala- zi datum 4. jul 1776, kada je doneta Deklaracija nezavisnosti. Statua je davno izgubila svoju originalnu, bakarnu boju, oksi-
Once a city in its own right, and one of New York’s districts since 1898, Brooklyn has long since overcome its reputation as an unsafe neighbourhood where taxi drivers from Man- hattan won’t drive. Brooklyn is today a hub for young artists and designers, the base of many start-up companies, but al- so home to excellent restaurants, hundreds of cultural insti- tutions and beautiful parks. In Brooklyn you can sneak in- to a church where gospel is sung spontaneously on Sundays, barter on colourful flea markets, wander around the beauti- ful Green-Wood Cemetery or sunbathe on Coney Island. GATSBY’S SPIRIT ON THE GOLD COAST In the era of the Great Gatsby and the industrial revolution, rich folk began to build their magnificent residences on Long Island. Today these houses are known as “Residences on the Gold Coast”. Building materials and decorations were brought from all around the world, while these palaces were decorat- ed with valuable artwork. Many of these villas have gradual- ly been divided into several smaller residential buildings, but some remain in their original forms and can be visited, indi- vidually or in groups. BRONX ZOO With 265 acres and over 4,000 animals (650 species), this zoo is among the world’s ten largest. Opened in 1899, it is visited each year by over two million people. Entrance is free on Wednesdays. This zoo is also architecturally inter- esting, though it combines the most diverse styles – from art deco to brutalism. A Rockefeller Fountain was also brought to this zoo, all the way from Lake Como. GO YANKEES! GO METS! Although American football is America’s most popular na- tional sport, attending a baseball match is an indispensa- ble part of American tradition. The new stadium of the Yan- kees is in the Bronx, while the Mets’ Citi Field Stadium is in Queens. Whichever you opt for, attending a match of one of New York’s two beloved teams is an authentic experience. And if you find yourself in New York while they are playing each other, that’s an extra special spectacle.
dirala je i postala zelenkasta. FLEŠING MEDOUZ
Septembar je idealno vreme za posetu Njujorku, naročito ako ste ljubitelj tenisa. Poslednji od četiri najznačajnija turnira, grend slema, igra se svakog septembra u kompleksu sme- štenom u parku Flešing Medouz u Kvinsu. Čak i ako vas tenis ne zanima, najveći park u Kvinsu (i četvrti najveći u Njujor- ku) vredi posetiti. Osim teniskog kompleksa, zelenih površi- na, igrališta i terena za sve vrste sportova, u njemu su sme- šteni i Muzej Kvinsa, Njujorška hala nauke, zoološki vrt, kao i stadion Metsa.
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