THE WALLED OFF Vitlejem, Palestinska samouprava GDE SE NALAZI: Vitlejem se nalazi na 10 kilome- tara južno od Jerusalima, od koga ga deli betonski zid. Ovde živi jedna od najstarijih hrišćanskih za- jednica na svetu. Prema verovanju, ovde je rođen i kralj David, koji je u Vitlejemu i krunisan za kra- lja Izraela. O ČEMU SE RADI: The Walled Off hotel je najnovi- ji projekat neuhvatljivog umetnika Benksija. Sve sobe okrenute su ka zidu koji odvaja Palestinu od Izraela i hotel se zbog toga ponosno reklamira kao „hotel s najgorim pogledom na svetu“. Svaka od devet soba dnevno dobije po 25 minuta pri- rodne svetlosti, tako svi gosti mogu da osete ka- ko se ljudi u Vitlejemu osećaju kada su zarobljeni između četiri zida. Benksi je odgovoran za dekoraciju većine hod- nika i soba. Pored njega, svoj stilski potpis ostavili su i umet- nici kao što su Sami Musa i Dominik Petrin. Na pr- vom spratu nalazi se galerija u kojoj su izloženi ra- dovi umetnika iz regiona. KOME JE NAMENJEN: Putnicima koji putuju kako bi zaista živeli u trenutku i istinski doživeli realan svet. Hotel je pop-up projekat, tako da požurite sa bukiranjem. U šopu možete kupiti stensile i grafite i oprobati se kao umetnik na zidu.
THE WALLED OFF Bethlehem, Palestinian Territory
WHERE IT’S LOCATED: Bethlehem is located 10 kilometres south of Jerusa- lem, which it is divided from courtesy of a concrete wall. Home to one of the oldest Christian communities in the world, it is believed to be the birthplace of King David, who was also crowned King of Israel in Bethlehem. WHAT IT’S ALL ABOUT : The Walled Off Hotel is the latest project of elu- sive artist Banksy. All rooms face the wall separating Palestine from Isra- el, which is why the hotel proudly advertises itself as “the hotel with the world’s worst view”. Each of the nine rooms receives 25 minutes of natural light per day, ena-
bling guests to feel how the people of Bethlehem feel when they are trapped between four walls. Banksy is responsible for decorating most of the hallways and rooms. Alongside him, other artists have left their signatures here, including Sami Mu- sa and Dominiqu Petrin. On the first floor is a gallery exhibiting works of artists from the region. FOR WHOM IT’S INTENDED: People who travel in order to really live in the moment and truly experience the real world. The hotel is a pop-up project, so hurry up and book a room. In the gift shop you can buy stencils and graffiti tools to try your hand at being an artist on the wall.
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