February 1928
T h e
K i n g ' s
B u s i n e s s
to keep us informed o f the whereabouts o f Billy Sunday. W e would like to know a month in advance, if possible, of each city or town in which he is to hold a revival. The local press usually heralds his coming well in advance, so that should be easy. W e have printed a large supply of leaflets which pertinently attack his money-getting meth ods, to be used exclusively in combating him. By arrang ing with the liberals in each city in advance we can be on the job and ready for him all along the way.” — o — The most violent Atheistic literature now being issued in America (says The World’s W ork ) is the work o f an eighteen-year-old girl who, three years ago, way the sec retary o f her Christian Endeavor Society. — o — Sir Arthur Keith, who recently declared that Darwin was right, has been warmly commended by the 4 A ’s: “ W e hail with joy your uncompromising championship of the ape ancestry o f man,” wrote the secretary. “ Your boldness and plain-speaking will encourage Atheists the world over. Letter follows.” That puts some preachers in strange company. — o — The 4 A ’s have lost their fight to stop the government paying chaplains for the army and navy. The lower court denied the injunction and when appealed to the higher court, it was ruled that a tax-payer cannot interfere with the use o f public funds when such funds are expended under authority o f law. “ The Atheists o f America call upon you to return to the precedent established by Thomas Jefferson. The an nual issuance o f the religious document known as the Thanksgiving Proclamation is highly offensive to mil lions o f loyal American citizens who do not believe in God. To recommend that these millions o f Atheists, who are a part o f the American people, gather in places of worship and give thanks to a Being which they consider non-existent is not in keeping with the secular spirit of our Constitution.” The usual proclamation came from the President. Let’s Nail These Atheistic Lies! Tracts answering A .A .A .A . arguments are offered free to K. B. readers, for discrete use. If your young people are being disturbed by these subtle arguments, fill out the blank below and send to T h e K in g ’ s B u s in e s s . Please enroll as a Defender of the Faith, other wise known as B.B.B.B. Name............................................................................... Address..................................... I................. . The 4 A ’s demanded o f President Coolidge that he should not issue a Thanksgiving proclamation : They wrote:
Sir Arthur Gets His Wires Crossed I am glad you have drawn attention to Sir Arthur Keith’s membership in the Rationalist Association. When he made that dogmatic statement from the chair o f the British Asso ciation, he spoke as a confirmed rationalist and monist, and not as a scientist. He was then airing his monistic religion, but some time pre viously, forgetting his rationalistic bias, and speaking as a true scientist, he made this hon est statement: “ No one has succeeded in pro ducing a new species— one which has been proved to be capable o f breeding with the parent species.” In the light o f his own ad mission, where is “ the irrefutable evidence” for transmutation?—Dr. Stuart MacColl. Melbourne, Australia.
Amen, Smith, Go to I t ! T HE A .A .A .A .’ s have been hot on the trail o f Cecil B. DeMille, the movie producer o f Hollywood. They don’t relish such productions as “ The Ten Command ments” and “ The King of Kings.” The president, Charles Smith, says: “ If all the Atheists in America were organ ized, they would be powerful enough to prevent profitable production o f these Anti-Atheist motion pictures. W e propose to organize them. Meantime, we protest against this religious propaganda in the movies.” Were it not for traveling in such bad company, the writer would like to line up with Mr. Smith in this pro test, although o f course, our motives would be of a differ ent nature. Really we don’t believe Mr. DeMille is much interested in propagating religion. It is more likely that he has a vision of the shining dollars he can get out o f church folks by using a little of this religious bait occasionally. The writer, however, is one who cannot endure the rep resenting o f Bible characters, and o f Christ Himself by this Hollywood crowd, and the Jewish movie magnates will never catch him with any such bait. Like Mr. Smith, we think the thing is out o f place, and we won’t go, that’s all. W e’re not saying that many of the good orthodox brethren are not enjoying these pictures—but that’s up to them. Perhaps they don’t know so much about Holly-r wood Moviedom. It just occurs to us that Mr. Smith does not raise his voice against the production of moving pictures holding up the Christian Faith to ridicule. That type apparently appears to him to be perfectly proper. To us, however, it seems only fair that Mr. DeMille and others, if they are disposed to eliminate the representation o f sacred scenes, should at the same time leave out the many pictures carica turing Christian workers and encouraging unbelief. How about that, Mr. Smith? ate ate A. A. A. A. Doings “ Sons o f Satan”—a recent branch o f the 4 A ’s said to have been born among students o f the University o f Okla homa—an appropriate name, no doubt (Jn. 8 :44 ). *—o--- General secretary o f the 4 A ’s advertises as follows in The Truth S eek er : “ W e request all Truth Seeker readers
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