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A “SMEAR CAMPAIGN” SAYS SIMARD Amanda Simard, Progressive Conservative candidate for Glengarry-Prescott-Russell, sent an email response to a media request for comment on the Pierre Leroux website issue. “It’s unfortunate, but not surprising,” stated Simard, “that Mr. Leroux is get- ting so desperate that he must resort to spinning falsehoods in an attempt UPBUUBDLPVSDBNQBJHOBOEUPTNFBS



fit due to her behaviour,” stated the Simard FNBJMi8JUIUIBUEFDJTJPO XFUPPLTUFQT  last month, to ensure she had no access to any party data. To be clear, Rachel has never BDUVBMMZXPSLFEPOUIJTDBNQBJHOUFBNu Email proof provided Thériault has responded by sending screen scans of a few of the emails exchan- ged between her and Simard, and between her and a member of IT department for the Progressive Conservative party, to prove that she was part of the Simard campaign team. A March 27 email in French from Simard to Thériault has Simard state that “with the approval of the board, I believe that the campaign director is going to be Jason 5VDLFS BOEUIFEJSFDUPSPGDPNNVOJDBUJPOT Maxime Hupé. You can see the doc attached, UIFBQQFOEJYMJTUTUIFUBTLT*CFMJFWFUIBU you would be the best fit for technology manager.” Another email dated March 26 from Chris Schoufour, IT Support-PCPO, confirms Thériault’s “cims access level has been restored. You have riding data level access on the Intranet site” for the party. Thériault is now part of the campaign team for Liberal candidate Pierre Leroux.

She expressed surprise that Simard denied she was ever part of the PC campaign group. Thériault expanded on why she resigned from the local PC campaign and joined the Liberal campaign instead.

The controversy continues about a reported defection from the campaign team of Progressive Conservative candi- date Amanda Simard. Rachel Thériault offered proof that she was part of the local PC campaign team, even though Simard says she never was. Thériault sent out an email to all media, May 18, stating that she had resigned as a member of the Simard campaign team. She had identified herself as being at the time the campaign’s technology manager, and stated in her email that she could no longer continue “due to a number of ethical and moral conflicts” which she could not accept or resolve for herself, concerning both the local campaign itself and the party’s current leader, Doug Ford. A request for comment from media resulted in an email from Simard stating that Thériault was not a member of her campaign team. “There were some initial discussions about having her on the team but we later decided she would not have been a good

Simard allègue que le candidat libéral Pierre Leroux et sa campagne ont été engagés dans une campagne de dénigrement contre elle.

my name. “These tactics parallel those GPVOEJOUIFQSPWJODJBM-JCFSBMBOE/%1 DBNQBJHOT XIFSF,BUIMFFO8ZOOFBOE Andrea Horwath’s teams’ run fictitious BET JOBOBUUFNQUUPEFDFJWFIBSEXPSLJOH Ontarians. 4IFDPOUJOVFTi*UBLFQSJEFJOSVOOJOH a clean and positive campaign. I’ve made JUNZNJTTJPOUPLOPDLPOBTNBOZEPPST as possible in order to truly understand the issues we’re facing in GPR. If elected, I promise to be a strong, effective, and DPNNJUUFEWPJDFBU2VFFOT1BSL8FSF here for the people.” —Gregg Chamberlain

Rachel Thériault a fourni à EAP des captures d’écran de plusieurs courriels échangés entre elle et Amanda Simard ainsi qu’un membre du service de soutien informatique du Parti progressiste-conservateur, pour prouver qu’elle faisait partie de l’équipe de campagne de Mme Simard pour la circonscription de Glengarry- Prescott-Russell. Amanda Simard a nié que Mme Thériault ait été membre de son équipe de campagne. —archives



the other Leroux, adding that he refused the offer. 5VDLFSJTUIFOBNFPGUIFDBNQBJHONBOB - ger for Progressive Conservative candidate "NBOEB4JNBSE&"1TFOUBOFNBJM .BZ  UPUIF4JNBSEDBNQBJHOBTLJOHGPSDPNNFOU There was no response by the press deadline Leroux, the Liberal candidate for the Glen- garry-Prescott-Russell riding in the Ontario election, expressed disappointment about

Why would the Progressive Conservatives want to buy the web- site of a man with the name of Pierre Leroux? He doesn’t know for sure him- self but he’s already declared that his website is not for sale. The other Pierre Leroux sent Pierre Leroux

Someone decided to burn one of the campaign signs set up in Alfred for Pierre Leroux, the Liberal candidate for Glengarry-Prescott-Russell in the June 7 provincial election. “It is what it is,” said Leroux, during a May 28 phone interview. “It’s a surprise, yes, but I’m not as surprised, given the past events.” Leroux referred to the theft, earlier in May, of several of his campaign signs in the Russell Township area. That case is still under OPP investigation. 5IFMBUFTUQIZTJDBMBUUBDLPOUIF-JCFSBM campaign in the GPR occurred sometime between Friday and Saturday, May 25 and 26, in the Village of Alfred. One of the large 4x8 campaign signs was partly burned and a number of other smaller lawn signs were piled up, ready for burning, when the VOLOPXOWBOEBMTáFEBTMPDBMàSFàHIUFST CAMPAIGN SIGN ARSON

in Russell Township an email, April 7, about a curious email request he received from a man who identified himself as +BTPO5VDLFS DBNQBJHO manager for a candidate in the Ontario provincial election. The other

the whole situation during a phone inter- view, May 28. “I am surprised in the sense that this is my first provincial election campaign,” he said. “At the muni- cipal level, I never

Pourquoi les progressistes- conservateurs voudraient- ils acheter le site Web d’un homme du Québec avec le nom de Pierre Leroux se demande son homonyme.

-FSPVYTUBUFEUIBUIFXBTBTLFEJGIFXPVME either sell or rent the use of his website domain name,, for two months, up until the June 7 Ontario election date. He pasted the French text of that email, XJUIBO&OHMJTIUSBOTMBUJPO JOUIFFNBJMIF sent to Leroux in Russell Township. “I don’t approve of this method which aims to confuse (political) messages through ‘pirating’ your name on the Internet,” stated

FYQFSJFODFEBOZUIJOHMJLFUIJT*BNIBQQZ to see that the person (the other Pierre Leroux) wasn’t the type of person to allow that sort of thing to happen.” Leroux noted that at the time he received the email from his counterpart, he was not yet confirmed as the Liberal candidate for the GPR. That didn’t happen until the GPR Liberal Association held its April 14 confirmation meeting.

Au cours de la fin de semaine du 25 mai, quelqu’un a décidé de brûler certaines des enseignes du candidat libéral Pierre Leroux. L’affaire a été signalée à la PPO. —photo Samantha Latreille arrived in response to a call about the fire. The incident was reported to the OPP EFUBDINFOUJO)BXLFTCVSZBT"MGSFEGBMMT under its jurisdiction. — Gregg Chamberlain

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