athlete’s injury and capability to continue must be submitted to and subsequently approved by the NVGAG Head National Official prior to the athlete being permitted to continue. A good-faith effort to compete will be determined by the NVGAG Head Official. Athletes that forfeit during championship or consolation play shall not be eligible for awards except where such forfeit is the result of a verified medical condition, or a good-faith effort was made to compete and does not result in a Did Not Finish (DNF) under NVGAG or NGB rules. Their award spot will be left open and subsequent places will not be moved up. Verification by a member of the NVGAG medical staff of the athlete’s injury must be provided to and subsequently approved by the NVGAG Head Lead Official prior to receipt of any awards. SMOKING POLICY National Veterans Golden Age Games is committed to creating a healthy and safe environment for all participants, staff, and spectators. All activities will be held in a smoke-free environment. Electronic/vapor cigarettes are not allowed. CELL PHONES While in the confines of the courts/playing area cell phones are prohibited for all participants. It is the responsibility of the athlete to secure their cell phone in a safe location. SERVICE ANIMALS Service animals must be trained to work or perform tasks for a person with a disability (including a physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual, or mental health disability). Dogs that provide only emotional support, comfort, or companionship don't qualify as service dogs and will be denied access to the NVGAG Event. Service animals must be in a harness, on a leash, or tethered. Voice control or signals may also be used if the handler or alternate handler is unable to use a harness or leash due to disability. A service animal must be removed from the NVGAG Event if any of the following apply: • The service animal is not under the control of its handler or alternate handler.
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