2025 Golden Age Games Guidelines

The following qualifying procedures and rules of competition for the National Veterans Golden Age Games are based upon those set forth by the recognized National Governing Body (NGB) for each sport. In the best interest of the athletes, modifications and variances of these rules and regulations are permitted as outlined in the rulebook.

2025 Golden Age Games


TABLE OF CONTENTS ATHLETE ELIGIBILITY......................................................................................................... 4 EVENT REGISTRATION & FORMAT ................................................................................. 4 MENU OF SPORTS & EVENTS:......................................................................................... 5 AWARDS.......................................................................................................................... 7 EXHIBITION EVENTS: ........................................................................................................ 7 SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT CHANGES/CLARIFICATIONS ......................................... 7 RULES, REGULATIONS & FORMAT ................................................................................. 9 EVENT CHECK-IN ............................................................................................................ 9 OPEN PIT /DROP-IN ........................................................................................................ 9 BRACKET AND FORMATION OF HEATS ...................................................................... 10 SKILL LEVEL .................................................................................................................... 10 GAME OF PLAY ............................................................................................................ 10 COACHING .................................................................................................................. 10 COMPETITION BIBS ....................................................................................................... 11 MODIFICATIONS OF RULES AND ADAPTING EVENTS................................................ 11 Doubles ......................................................................................................................... 11 EQUIPMENT ................................................................................................................... 12 UNIFORMS ..................................................................................................................... 12 TIE RULE.......................................................................................................................... 13 DISQUALIFICATIONS..................................................................................................... 13 DEFAULT DURING COMPETITION ................................................................................ 13 SMOKING POLICY ........................................................................................................ 14 CELL PHONES................................................................................................................ 14 SERVICE ANIMALS ........................................................................................................ 14 NATIONAL GOVERNING BODY (NGB)....................................................................... 15 HOW TO SUGGEST A RULE CHANGE FOR SUBSEQUENT NVGAG ........................... 15 HOW TO SUGGEST A NEW SPORT............................................................................... 15 NATIONAL SENIOR GAMES ASSOCIATION (NSGA) .................................................. 15

MEDAL SPORTS ............................................................................................................. 17 AIR PISTOL ..................................................................................................................... 18 AIR RIFLE ........................................................................................................................ 21 VISUALLY IMPAIRED AIR RIFLE ..................................................................................... 24 BADMINTON ................................................................................................................. 26 BASKETBALL................................................................................................................... 28 BILLIARDS....................................................................................................................... 36 BOCCIA ........................................................................................................................ 41 BOWLING ...................................................................................................................... 44 CORNHOLE ................................................................................................................... 47 DISC GOLF .................................................................................................................... 51 GOLF ............................................................................................................................. 57 HORSESHOES ................................................................................................................ 60 PICKLEBALL ................................................................................................................... 63 POWER WALK ............................................................................................................... 69 SHUFFLEBOARD ............................................................................................................ 71 SWIMMING.................................................................................................................... 75 TABLE TENNIS................................................................................................................. 78 TRACK & FIELD .............................................................................................................. 82 EXHIBITION EVENTS ....................................................................................................... 86

ATHLETE ELIGIBILITY To be eligible to participate in the National Veterans Golden Age Games, you must be 55 years of age or older by December 31, 2025, and registered with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). The Application for Health Benefits OR VA Registration (VA Form 1010EZ) can be found here. EVENT REGISTRATION & FORMAT Athletes must register online to participate in the NVGAG. Continue to check NVGAG website for the online registration date and link. Onsite registration is not available. Athletes can register for a total of five sports in three division categories: ambulatory, visually impaired and wheelchair. Athletes can only compete in one division category for all selected sport competitions. Within some sports there are several events (i.e. Sport: Field – Events: discus, javelin, long jump and shot put). Review the chart below to understand the sport entry exceptions. We do encourage athletes to review the sports schedule and not register for sports/events that could conflict. If one signs up for a sport/event that conflicts, that athlete must select one sport/event out of the two to compete in. The event officials will not delay competitions for athletes who register for conflicting events.

SPORT ENTRY EXCEPTIONS: • Badminton, athletes may enter both events. • Basketball, athletes may enter both events.

• Boccia, ambulatory athletes may enter both events. • Pickleball, athletes may enter two of the three events. • Swimming, athletes may enter a maximum of four events.

The NVGAG may place a cap on the total number of entries for any and/or all sports and/or exhibition events in the best interest of Games management. To ensure each athlete receives adequate playing time and learning opportunities, the NVGAG will not accommodate individual scheduling requests.


Female & Male

Visually Impaired

Name of Sport & Events Activity Level Age




Air Pistol

Low risk




1st-8th place

Air Rifle

Low risk





1st-8th place

Badminton Doubles

Moderate Risk



1st-4th place

Badminton Singles

Moderate Risk




1st-4th place

Basketball 3-on-3

High Risk



1st-3rd place

Basketball Free Throw

Low risk






1st-8th place

Billiards (8 ball)

Low Risk




1st-4th place

Disc Golf

Moderate Risk




1st-8th place

Boccia Doubles

Low risk



1st-4th place

Boccia Singles

Low risk





1st-4th place


Moderate Risk






1st-8th place

Bowling Adaptive: ramp, stick, handle ball

Moderate Risk




1st-8th place


Low risk






1st-4th place

Field Discus

High Risk




1st-8th place

Field Javelin

High Risk




1st-8th place

Field Long Jump

High Risk




1st-8th place

Field Shot Put

High Risk




1st-8th place


Moderate Risk





1st-8th place


Low risk






1st-4th place

Pickleball Female Doubles

High Risk




1st-4th place

Pickleball Male Doubles High Risk




1st-4th place

Pickleball Mixed Doubles High Risk




1st-4th place

Power Walk 1500m

High Risk





1st-8th place


Low risk






1st-4th place

Swimming Events: freestyle-

backstroke – breaststroke, 25yd, 50yd, 100yd, 75yd IM

High Risk






1st-8th place

Table Tennis

Moderate Risk





1st-4th place

Track Events : 3000m, 1500m, 50m, 100m, 400m, 200m, 800m

High Risk




1st-8th place

All athletes are required to have their VA or non-VA Primary Care Physician (PCP) complete and sign the NVGAG Medical Clearance Form (completed within 6 months of the event). PCP must clear Veteran to participate in the following sport activity levels: high risk, moderate and low risk. Each medal event will have eight age divisions for participation, if applicable: • 55-59 • 60-64 • 65-69 • 70-74 • 75-79 • 80-84 • 85-89 • 90 and up * All age classifications will be determined by the athlete’s age as of December 31, 2025. In some events as listed above, men and women will compete against each other in open competition. AMBULATORY DIVISION – Ambulatory athletes can ambulate and compete in the sporting events without adaptations and the use of assistive devices. VISUALLY IMPAIRED DIVISION – Visually impaired athletes who participate in the NVGAG must meet the visual criteria for legal blindness: visual acuity of 20/200 in the better seeing eye with best correction OR a visual field loss of 20 degrees or less. This information must be verified and documented on the medical clearance form by a medical provider. Visually impaired competitions include air rifle, basketball free throw, disc golf, boccia singles, bowling, cornhole, golf, horseshoes, and shuffleboard. Visually impaired athletes may also participate in power walk and swimming events, however, there will not be a separate division for these awards. WHEELCHAIR DIVISION – Athletes who require a wheelchair for competition are eligible to compete in a separate division for the following sports: boccia, cornhole, cycling, horseshoes, billiards (8 ball), shuffleboard, swimming (25yd, 50 yd, 75 yd), and table tennis. Wheelchair athletes may also participate in air pistol and air rifle however, there will not be a separate division for these awards.

*Note – If an athlete utilizes a scooter, they must adhere to the modification of the rules for wheelchair users (i.e. - feet may not touch the floor during competition).

AWARDS Awards will be presented for 1st through 3rd medals and 4th - 8th ribbons for each event within each age division. Exceptions: bracketed events will be awarded 1st through 3rd medals and 4th place ribbon.

Awards will be presented immediately at some sport events and other awards will be presented at a specified medal ceremony or can be picked up in the designated Awards Pickup Room.

EXHIBITION EVENTS: The exhibition sports will be introductory clinics that will include instruction, as well as opportunities to participate. Individual personal sports equipment is NOT allowed for select exhibition sports. These events will not be awarded medals for competition.

Exhibition Event Activity Level Ambulatory Division

Visually Impaired Division

Wheelchair Division


Moderate Risk




Disc Golf - WC

High Risk



Low Risk




Moderate Risk




Ninja Course

High Risk





High Risk





High Risk


*Archery only open to those who did not participate in 2024.


The following is a summary of the significant changes/clarifications to the rules of competition governing the 2025 NVGAG. This section is a summary only and does NOT summarize every change. For specific information, please review the actual rule in question under the specific medal sport.


Activity Levels • The medical clearance activity levels are as indicated above. Activity levels are assigned based on the physical intensity and risk of injury.

Athlete Check-in •

Athletes must check in at least 30 minutes before the competition starts. For athletes participating in bowling, you must check in at least 45 minutes before the end of the drop-in time. • Athletes must check themselves in at the sport. Air Pistol/Air Rifle • Athletes who never shot an air pistol or rifle, or who have not practiced with one, will be disqualified from the competition. • Safety check will be provided right before the start of competition. • Athletes who are missing the target and have more than 4 shots hitting the range curtain backstop or the target support pole, will be removed from the firing line and disqualified from the competition. • Air rifle will be drop-in event. • Shooters with personal air rifle may supply their own air or CO2. Badminton • Badminton singles competition format will be double elimination.

Basketball •

3x3 Team Sport o

Virtual skills assessment will be required before team selections are made. The format of skill assessment will be provided to all registered basketball athletes after registration. o All participants must play at least 2 minutes per game.

Basketball Free Throw o

New sport for the Wheelchair Division

Billiards (8 ball) •

Billiards will change from Nine ball to 8 ball. • 8-ball competition format will be double elimination. • Review the updated rules for 8 ball listed within the 2025 Golden Age Game Guidelines and the NGB. Golf • Athletes must provide a copy of their handicap score card. If score is not listed in event registration, athlete will not be eligible to compete. Any golfer delaying the game of play may be disqualified. • Athletes are not required to wear competition bibs. Golf armband will be provided for identification.

Horseshoes •

Games will be played four (4) innings, best two out of three.

Pickleball • Athletes will compete based on age and skill divisions. Divisions for each age group will be determined after registration closes. • The tournament format will be double elimination play, best two (2) out of three (3) games to 11, win by 2. Power Walk • Review rules on disqualification.

Table Tennis •

Table tennis competition format will be double elimination.

Shuffleboard •

Medal round competitions will play (4) frames instead of 6 frames.

RULES, REGULATIONS & FORMAT Everyone is expected to support an environment that is safe, healthy, and supportive. Conduct by any-one that is deemed inappropriate, abusive or has a negative impact on the Veterans experience and anyone’s safety will be addressed and may result in disqualification from the event or removal from the NVGAG. The following are the qualifying procedures and rules of competition governing the 2025 NVGAG. These Games will be held May 31, 2025 – June 5, 2025, in Memphis Tennessee. Please note: Sports provided, and rules are subject to change as planning continues for the 2025 NVGAG. Updates and changes will be posted to the NVGAG website. The NVGAG reserves the right to change the tournament format for any age division based on entry numbers, space restrictions, or other circumstance. EVENT CHECK-IN All athletes must report no later than 30 minutes before the start of your event at the check in table unless event specific rules state different. Failure to report after the deadline, will result in your entry being removed from the competition. Example: Horseshoes starts at 2:00 pm, athletes must check – in by 1:30 pm. Athletes cannot check-in after that time. OPEN PIT /DROP-IN Selected sports will be listed as drop-in/open pit on the sports schedule. Veterans will have the opportunity to compete in the sport during the time frame shown on the sports schedule. • Athletes must have registered and medically cleared for the sport to compete. • Athletes will compete on a first come, first serve basis.

• All athletes must arrive 45 minutes before the end time of that sport to compete. • Anyone arriving after that time will need to wait until the next day that sport is provided on the schedule as a drop-in/open pit. • Open Pit Sports: Field Events: discus, javelin, long jump, and shot put (ambulatory only) • Drop-In Sport: Air pistol, air rifle and bowling (ambulatory only)


• Long Jump is 8am-3pm. Mr. Johnson can come anytime during 8am-2:15pm to compete. • Air rifle is at 8am. Ms. Johnson can come anytime during 8am – 11:15am.

BRACKET AND FORMATION OF HEATS • All seeding shall be random. • Results of past NVGAG will be used whenever possible. • Athletes from the same VA Medical Center will not be matched against each other in first round matches, whenever possible. SKILL LEVEL The following sports will use the athlete’s skill level ratings in consideration when setting up the brackets or pairings: badminton, basketball 3x3, golf, pickleball, and table tennis. GAME OF PLAY During the game of play, if there is a question or concern, the athlete is to address the issue immediately with the NVGAG Official. The play will stop until a decision is made. If necessary, the NVGAG Head Official will determine a final ruling and competition will continue. Athletes cannot wait to raise their concerns at the end of competition, after a winner has already been determined. It is crucial to resolve issues during the game of play to ensure fairness in the competition. COACHING Coaches, spectators, officials, or non-competing athletes are not allowed to advise or coach any athlete during the competition, within an area designated as the field of play/game of play. Coaching of an athlete may be conducted

in the area designated by the Lead Official. If, after asking a coach/spectator not to coach an athlete during the game of play and he or she continues to do so, the event’s Lead Official will ask the coach/spectator/non -competing athlete to leave the competition area. All coaches must have the required credentials or permission to access the designated area field of play if their athlete needs assistance. COMPETITION BIBS All athletes must always wear their assigned bibs, during their sporting event competition. Athletes who forget their bibs must provide a substitute bib to compete. At times, when appropriate/feasible, replacement bibs will be available at the check-in table at the event. Bibs must be worn correctly with last name and/or bib number to the front of chest (unless otherwise specified within a sporting event). Select sports will not require athletes to wear the assigned competition bib as it may impede the athlete’s ability to perform in competition. Alternate identification may be provided. MODIFICATIONS OF RULES AND ADAPTING EVENTS Any modifications to the rules, based on an athlete's disability, may be requested and are subject to the discretion of the event’s Lead Official . Athletes are encouraged to visit the NGB for complete rules. DOUBLES All doubles participants should have a partner prior to registering for a doubles event. Doubles will compete in the age division of the younger partner as of December 31, 2025. You cannot compete in an age division younger than the youngest partner. It is the athletes’ responsibility to identify a partner. We encourage you, if possible, to identify a partner prior to registration. Athletes who do not have a partner will select “no partner” within registration. Those without partners will receive further instructions on how to acquire a partner as an option. Athletes may compete with only one partner per event. Please note: There is not a guarantee that you will have or find a partner if you have selected “no” partner during registration.

EQUIPMENT Athletes may use their own equipment for the following events: air pistol (pistol), air rifle (air rifle gun), badminton (racket), bowling (balls, shoes), 8-ball (pool stick), pickleball (paddles), shuffleboard (cue sticks) and table tennis (paddle). Equipment must conform to the standards of the NGB for that sport.

Athletes MUST use their own equipment or rent for the following events: golf.

All personal equipment will be inspected prior to the start of the competition.

No equipment will be allowed for the exhibition events.

UNIFORMS All athletes must wear athletic-type clothing and shoes that are customary for the sport in which they are competing. Athletes should wear appropriate athletic sport shoes based on the event they are competing in. Proper court shoes must be worn – black sole shoes may be restricted on the court area if excessive marking occurs. Failure to follow the uniform rule can result in disqualification by the Official. Review below for specific uniform requirements. BADMINTON, PICKLEBALL, POWER WALK AND TRACK : Clothing made of jean and/or denim and khaki material are not allowed as it can restrict movements during competition, and if worn can result in disqualification. Athletic tights/shorts can be above mid-thigh, knee length or ankle length. Loose fitted length pants and or pedal-pushers (capri pants) can be worn but cannot be of denim or khaki material. All acceptable clothing allows for comfort and breathability. Example of allowable clothing is pictured below:

Clothing that would not be acceptable are pictured below:

SWIMMING : The swimsuits worn for competition shall not be see through and must conform to the current concept of the appropriate. The referee shall have authority to prohibit athletes from competition until they comply with this rule. Swimwear shall include only a swimsuit, no more than two caps and goggles (a nose clip and ear plugs are allowed). During competition, the competitor must wear only one swimsuit in one or two pieces made of textile material. For men, the swimsuit shall not extend above the navel nor below the knees, and for women, shall not cover the neck, extend past the shoulder nor extend below the knees. Swim trunks must have a draw string and mesh liner. Speedos and jammers are acceptable. Undergarments that are typical worn under clothes are not appropriate or an acceptable type of swimming competition garment. TIE RULE In the event of a tie during an event, athletes will be awarded duplicate medals and ribbons. Exception: if the event has rules to break the ties for 1-4th place. DISQUALIFICATIONS Lead Officials have the right to disqualify any athlete from competition. The athlete will forfeit the right to any awards for the following infractions: • Un-sportsman like conduct or tactics detrimental to the competition • Inappropriate uniform • Non-compliance to the rules of the specific event, as outlined in this rulebook. • Failure to have prepared for the event with practice prior to registration. • Use of profanity or other universally accepted foul language weather verbal or written. DEFAULT DURING COMPETITION Athletes that forfeit during tournament play rounds shall not be permitted to advance to the championship or consolation brackets except where such a forfeit is the result of a verified medical reason, or a good-faith effort was made to compete. Verification by a member of the NVGAG medical staff of an

athlete’s injury and capability to continue must be submitted to and subsequently approved by the NVGAG Head National Official prior to the athlete being permitted to continue. A good-faith effort to compete will be determined by the NVGAG Head Official. Athletes that forfeit during championship or consolation play shall not be eligible for awards except where such forfeit is the result of a verified medical condition, or a good-faith effort was made to compete and does not result in a Did Not Finish (DNF) under NVGAG or NGB rules. Their award spot will be left open and subsequent places will not be moved up. Verification by a member of the NVGAG medical staff of the athlete’s injury must be provided to and subsequently approved by the NVGAG Head Lead Official prior to receipt of any awards. SMOKING POLICY National Veterans Golden Age Games is committed to creating a healthy and safe environment for all participants, staff, and spectators. All activities will be held in a smoke-free environment. Electronic/vapor cigarettes are not allowed. CELL PHONES While in the confines of the courts/playing area cell phones are prohibited for all participants. It is the responsibility of the athlete to secure their cell phone in a safe location. SERVICE ANIMALS Service animals must be trained to work or perform tasks for a person with a disability (including a physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual, or mental health disability). Dogs that provide only emotional support, comfort, or companionship don't qualify as service dogs and will be denied access to the NVGAG Event. Service animals must be in a harness, on a leash, or tethered. Voice control or signals may also be used if the handler or alternate handler is unable to use a harness or leash due to disability. A service animal must be removed from the NVGAG Event if any of the following apply: • The service animal is not under the control of its handler or alternate handler.

• The service animal is not house-broken. • The service animal poses a health or safety risk to Veterans, visitors, other animals, or staff by behaving in an aggressive way (e.g. by snapping, biting, growling, baring its teeth). Resource – VHA Directive 1188 It is highly recommended that a service animal is not in the competition area during the game of play to protect the safety of everyone during competition. NATIONAL GOVERNING BODY (NGB) All sports/events shall be governed by the rules of the NGB for that sport. The NVGAG has modified some of these rules in the best interest of its athletes. All rules shall apply as stated in 2025 NVGAG Rules and Guidelines. HOW TO SUGGEST A RULE CHANGE FOR SUBSEQUENT NVGAG Suggestions for rules changes in future NVGAG may be made in writing to the NVGAG National Official within 30 days after the conclusion of the current years Games. NVGAG rules are reviewed and approved annually by the NVGAG are published via NVGAG National Staff. HOW TO SUGGEST A NEW SPORT You may contact the NVGAG Office at NVGAG National Staff if you would like to suggest that a new event be added to the menu. You must include the following information: • An exact description of the sport/event. • The address, phone number and contact person for the national governing body (NGB) for the sport/event. • The number of people, ages 55 and beyond, that participate in this activity. • The geographic distribution of people, ages 55 and beyond, that participates. • Any additional pertinent information. New sports and exhibition events are reviewed and approved annually by the NVGAG National Team are published via www.veteransgoldenagegames.va.gov.


The National Senior Games Association (NSGA) is non-profit organization dedicated to motivating active adults to lead a healthy lifestyle through the senior games’ movement. Since 2004, the National Veterans Golden Age Games have been a qualifier for the National Senior Games, a member of the U.S. Olympic Committee. Through this partnership, gold, silver and bronze medalists in certain events can compete further, among America ’s elite senior athletes. Veterans may participate in the NSG by qualifying in the core competitions in the year preceding the Games. Veterans that meet the specific criteria while participating in the NVGAG qualify to participate.

For more information, please visit www.nsga.com



EQUIPMENT The NVGAG will provide a limited number of standard .177, 4.5 mm air pistols, 420fps. Pistol weight 1500g max and minimum trigger pull 500g, .177 pellets diablo air pellets.

10-Meter electronic target and protective eyewear will be provided.

Athletes may bring their own equipment, but it must meet USA/ISSF Shooting standards: • The air pistol must be 4,5mm (.177) calibers. • Pistol weight 1500g max and minimum trigger pull 500g min. • Measuring box 420 x 200 x 50mm (pistol must fit in the box with the sights mounted on the pistol) • Adjustable grips are permitted providing they are adjusted for the athlete’s hand . • No scopes or red dot sights allowed. • All personal equipment will be checked prior to the start of the match must be inspected.


Crossman 2300TTarget Pistol

Alfa Proj Competition PCP Air Pistol

Steyr EVO 10 E Pistol

Morini 162El

COMPETITION The competition will be a seated event. There will be a safety briefing and a 15- minute preparation period to shoot unlimited sighters before the match begins. The preparation and sighting time will be timed to end approximately thirty (30) seconds before the official starting time of the match. Shooters will shoot 20 shots per record, totaling a possible score of 200. Matches will last no longer than 20 minutes. Eye protection will be provided and must be worn by all athletes, or any personnel in the immediate vicinity of the range – no exceptions. Corrective lenses or eyeglasses, and/or filters or tinted lenses, may be worn by the athlete. Clear lenses are best, but amber, yellow, or gray is acceptable. 2. Athletes who have not shot a rifle in preparation for the event, will not be allowed to shoot and be disqualified. 3. EVENT RULES 1. Athletes who are missing the target and have more than 4 shots hitting the range curtain backstop or the target support pole, will be removed from the firing line and disqualified from the competition. 4. Shooting course will be 10 meters (33 feet). 5. The targets will be positioned in such a manner that they are at least 4 feet off the ground/floor. 6. Shooters will shoot 20 shots per record, totaling a possible score of 200. 7. Each athlete’s total score will be tabulated after the remaining rounds are fired. 8. Neither the grip nor any part of the pistol may be extended or constructed in any way that would allow it to touch beyond the hand. The wrist must remain visibly free when the pistol is held in the normal firing position. 9. Bracelets, wristwatches, wristbands, or similar items are prohibited on the hand and arm that holds the pistol. 10. Adjustable grips are permitted providing that when they are adjusted for the athlete's hand they conform to these Rules. a. Grip adjustments are subject to random Equipment Control checks to ensure that they conform with these regulations.

b. In the case of upper limb deficiency athletes: it is permitted to hold the pistol with a normal prosthesis if the prosthesis does not grip the pistol and does not have a fixed elbow. 11. There must be clearly no contact between athlete and back- support when firing. 12. Only one hand must support the pistol. Each athlete must support the air pistol with no support from the firing table. chest and/or abdomen must also be free of the table. 13. All tied scores will be broken by the highest score of the last ten shot series, etc. (decimal scores) and then by comparing decimal scores on a shot-by-shot basis beginning with the last shot, then the next to the last shot, etc. All matches will be conducted in accordance with USA Shooting Rifle rules. For a copy of these rules, please visit: USA Shooting-ISSF Air Pistol Rules - One Olympic Plaza, Colorado Springs, CO 80909 (719) 866-4670.


EQUIPMENT The NVGAG will provide standard a minimum number of .177 air rifles with a maximum velocity of no more than 600 feet per second (fps), .177 pellets, 10- Meter air rifle target, and protective eyewear. Athletes may elect to bring their own equipment however it must meet the specifications provided by ISSF Shooting. Additionally, athletes should be familiar with the rifle and site settings required. • The total length of the air rifle system measured from the back end of the mechanism to the apparent muzzle must not exceed 850 mm. • The air rifle must be .177 calibers with .177 competition flat headed pellets. • No air rifle producing muzzle velocity above 600 Fps will be allowed. • No air rifle with repeatingcapability, bipod and no set trigger will be allowed. • All personal equipment will be checked prior to the start of the match must be inspected. • Shooters with personal air rifle may supply their own air or CO2.

Sample of approved air rifles (Competition Sporter or Precision air riles are recommended)

Crossman Challenger CH2021S

Daisy Model 599 Competition Air Rifle

COMPETITION The competition will be a seated PRONE event. There will be a safety briefing and a 15- minute preparation period and to shoot unlimited sighters before the match begins. The preparation and sighting time will be timed to end approximately thirty (30) seconds before the official starting time of the match. Shooters will have 20 shots per record, totaling a possible score of 200 points. Eye protection will be provided and must be worn by all athletes, or any personnel in the immediate vicinity of the range – no exceptions. Corrective lenses or eyeglasses, and/or filters or tinted lenses, may be worn by the athlete. Clear lenses are best, but amber, yellow, or gray is acceptable – no exceptions. 2. Athletes who have not shot a rifle in preparation for the event, will not be allowed to shoot and will be disqualified. 3. Athletes who are missing the target and have more than 4 shots hitting the range curtain backstop or the target support pole, will be removed from the firing line and disqualified from the competition. 4. You may not be assisted or coached in the competition area. The competition area is defined by the Games Committee. This area is restricted to competing athletes only. 5. Shooting Course will be 10 meters (33 feet). 6. The targets will be positioned in such a manner that they are at least 4 feet off the ground/floor. 7. Volunteers/coaches may be used to cock and/or load rifles for athletes if needed. 8. Each athlete’s total score will be tabulated after the remaining rounds are fired. 9. Each athlete must support the rifle with both elbows resting on the stationary-firing table. The chest and/or abdomen may also rest on the table. 10. The upper arms must not touch the table or board. 11. Shooting glove can be worn but it must meet the appropriate specifications: 12. EVENT RULES 1. the total thickness must not exceed 12 mm when measuring front and back materials together at any point other than on seams and joints. 13. The glove must not extend more than 50mm beyond the wrist measured from the center of the wrist knuckle.

14. Any strap or other closure device at the wrist is not allowed. 15. In the case of upper limb deficiency athletes, it is permitted to support the rifle with a normal prosthesis if the prosthesis does not grip the rifle and does not have a fixed elbow. 16. There must be clearly no contact between athlete and back-support when firing. 17. All tied scores will be broken by the highest score of the last ten shot series, etc. (decimal scores) and then by comparing decimal scores on a shot-by-shot basis beginning with the last shot, then the next to the last shot, etc.

All matches will be conducted in accordance with USA Shooting Rifle rules and for a copy of these rules, please visit: USA Shooting-ISSF Air Rifle Rules





Air Gun Depot

12453 S 265 W Suite F, Draper, UT 84020 1-866-477-4867

New Air Rifles | Airgun Depot

Champion’s Choice, Inc 201 International Blvd. LaVergne, TN 37086 Phone: 615.793.4066 Toll Free: 800.345.7179

Champion's Choice | Champion's Choice

Freelands Sports LLC

11018 Camp Ohio Rd Utica, OH 43080 Phone (740) 759-1121

Freeland's Sports Target Shooting Supplies


Creedmoor Sports

167 Creedmoor Way, Anniston, AL 36205 1-800-273-3366 256-403-3053


Pyramyd Air

5135 Naiman Parkway Solon, OH 44139 Call us: 888-262-4867 Text: 330-886-4741

The Golden Age Games does not endorse any companies .


EQUIPMENT The new aiming system VIASS (Visually Impaired aiming shooting system) Pro 2 is a system that works with sound and allows shooting for blind and visually impaired persons. The higher the tone you hear, the nearer you are aiming into the center of the target. With the VIASS Pro ² system you can define up to four zones in the target. By that the shooter can recognize the center immediately. Equipment will be provided for all participants. VIASS Pro ² system

COMPETITION The competition will be a seated PRONE event. Every third firing point is left vacant to avoid the disturbance of other athletes. Each athlete will have an assistant. There will be a safety briefing and a 15 - minute preparation period and to shoot unlimited sighters before the match begins. The preparation and sighting time will be timed to end approximately thirty (30) seconds before the official starting time of the match. Shooters will have 25 minutes to shoot unlimited sighters and 20 shots per record, totaling a possible score of 218 points. All competing athletes and VI assistants must wear an eye covering which completely covers the eyes and ensures no vision is possible, such as opaque goggles, completely enclosed glasses, safety glasses. 2. Shooting Course will be 10 meters (33 feet). 3. The targets will be positioned in such a manner that they are at least 4 feet off the ground/floor. 4. Each athlete’s total score will be tabulated after the remaining rounds are fired. 5. EVENT RULES 1. Each athlete must support the rifle with both elbows resting on the stationary-firing table. The chest and/or abdomen may also rest

on the table. 6. The upper arms must not touch the table or board. 7. Shooting glove can be worn but it must meet the appropriate specifications: • Total thickness must not exceed 12 mm when measuring front and back materials together at any point other than on seams and joints. • The glove must not extend more than 50mm beyond the wrist measured from the center of the wrist knuckle. • Any strap or other closure device at the wrist is not allowed. 8. In the case of upper limb deficiency athletes: it is permitted to support the rifle with a normal prosthesis if the prosthesis does not grip the rifle and does not have a fixed elbow. 9. There must be clearly no contact between athlete and back- support when firing. 10. Each athlete will have an assistant and they are only permitted to assist as described below:

• Verbal communication between the athlete and the VI Assistant is permitted to verbalize the location of the shot to the shooter after each shot if needed. • May adjust the sights at the request of the athlete and is not allowed to support the rifle. Only one (1) person may be touching the rifle during aiming. • Must stand in position for the duration of the competition and it is not permitted to move between shots. The VI Assistant position (behind the athlete) is fixed according to the rules and cannot be changed. • The VI Assistant must stand at a minimum of 50cm behind the athlete and may only move to give the signals for the score of the athlete. • Assist the athlete with set up of equipment including the aiming device. and immediately notify an athlete if they are not pointing at their own target.

All matches will be conducted in accordance with World Shooting Para Sport and for a copy of these rules, please visit: World Shooting Para Sport Email: Info@worldshootingparasport.org.


EQUIPMENT The NVGAG will provide racquets and natural feathered shuttlecocks (based upon availability). Athletes may elect to use their own racquets; however, they must conform to the USA Badminton standards. COMPETITION The competition will consist of singles and doubles. The age division of doubles will be determined by the younger age of the two partners as of December 31, 2025. Double partners can be identified during registration. The competition will be set up in a single elimination tournament format for doubles and double elimination format for singles. All matches will be played as a best two out of three games to 21. In the light of high interest and number of entries in Badminton and the limited court time, matches may be shortened at the discretion of the Lead Official. For example, early round matches may be one game of 21 points and other matches will be played to games of 11 points. During registration, athlete will be asked to provide current skill level.


1. A match consists of the best two out of three games to 21 points. 2. Every time there is a serve; there is a point scored. 3. The side winning the “rally” adds a point to its score. 4. At 20-all, the side which gains a 2-point lead first, wins that game. 5. At 29-all, the side scoring the 30 th point, wins that game. 6. The side winning a game serves first in the next game. 7. When the leading score reaches 11, a 1-minute break is allowed. 8. Between games, a 2-minute break is allowed. 9. In the 3rd game, change ends when the leading score is 11. At the beginning of each game and when the server’s score is even, the server serves from the right service court. When the server’s score is odd, the server serves from the left service court. 2. If the server wins a rally, the server scores a point and serves again from the alternate service court.


3. If the receiver wins a rally, the receiver scores a point and becomes the new server. (Even score=right; Odd score =left)


At the beginning of each game and when the server’s score is even, the server serves from the right service court. When the server’s score is odd, the server serves from the left service court. 2. The service passes consecutively. 3. If the serving side wins the rally, it scores a point, and the same server serves again from the alternate service court. 4. If the receiving side wins the rally, it scores a point and becomes the new serving side. 5. The players do not change their respective service court until they win a point when their side is serving. 6. If players commit an error in their service court, the error is corrected when the mistake is discovered. 7. The service courts are changed by the serving side only when a point is scored. In all other cases the players continue to stay in their respective service court from where they played previous rally. This shall guarantee alternate server.

All matches will be conducted in accordance with USA Badminton rules, except as modified herein. For a copy of these rules, please write or call: USA Badminton.


EQUIPMENT The NVGAG will provide regulation basketball courts, basketballs, jerseys, basketball pumps, and score boards for the basketball competition.


Basketball 3-3 The competition will consist of registered athletes from all ages that pass medical clearance. After registration, registered athletes will be sent a virtual skill assessment and must submit that prior to arrival at the games. During the Games’ on -site registration process, athletes will check-in. Based on the number of checked-in athletes, teams will be created based on skill and available numbers and posted the next day for athletes to view. When at all possible, teams will consist of 5-6 players of various age groups and female and male categories. The NVGAG has the right to change the format of the games based on the number of entries, skill levels, and age of the participants to ensure fair and safe game play. The competition will be set up in a double elimination tournament format but subject to change based on the number of entries. Medals will be awarded to the first, second, third place team finishers.

When applicable NCAA rules will apply.


Teams must have a minimum of three players on the floor to start a game. In open competition format, men and women will play together. 2. The game shall be played on half court by two teams of three players each, with a maximum of seven substitutes. 3. Every player must play at least two (2) minutes each game. 4. If an athlete does not compete in the double elimination tournament they cannot compete in the semi-finals or championship game.

Exception: If athlete has an injury but must be present with team during the double elimination tournament. 5. The winner of the coin toss shall take first possession of the ball. Possession at the start of the second half shall be determined by the possession arrow. Ball possession changes hands after each basket unless a technical or personal foul is awarded. 6. Officials do not put the ball in play, except at the start of each half. The referee will handle the rebound of the first free throw (first and second free throws if three shots are being taken) and then will not handle the ball after the last free throw. Playing time shall be two halves 15 minutes. There shall be a continuously running clock with an intermission of five minutes for half- time. In the last two minutes of each half, the clock will stop in accordance with normal basketball rules. The clock also stops after a made basket during the last minute of the second half. 2. A tie score at the end of regulation time will result in a three-minute overtime period. During the first overtime period, the clock will stop in accordance with normal basketball rules. If the game is still tied at the end of the first overtime period, subsequent three-minute periods shall be played until the tie is broken. After the first overtime period, all additional overtime periods will have a running clock except for the last minute in which the clock will stop in accordance with normal basketball rules. The clock also stops after a made basket during the last minute of all overtime periods. Ball possession will be determined by a coin flip for each overtime period. There will be a one-minute intermission before each overtime period. All individual and team fouls carryover into overtime. 3. Two time-outs are permitted per team, per half. Timeouts do not carryover from one period to the next. If a game proceeds to overtime, each team shall receive no more than one additional time-out, regardless of the number of overtimes. Time-outs shall be 60 seconds in duration. The clock will not run during time-outs. 4. Three-point shots are allowed. The three-point line distance for both men and women will be 19 feet, 9 inches.

Scoring and Timing Regulations : 1.

Throw-In Area and Ball In & Out of Play : 5. The game shall be played using the three- point line as the “check line.” The ball shall be returned to a point behind the check line after each change of possession as follows: a. After a made basket and all dead ball situations, the ball shall be placed in play from the top of the key (‘throw - in area”). The ball must be advanced into play by means of a pass to a teammate. Violation of the throw-in area by the offense results in loss of possession. b. After a turnover or defensive rebound, the ball may be returned to any point behind the check line. The player returning the ball behind the check line shall be in possession of the ball with both feet behind the line. The ball does not have to pass behind the 3-point line, only the player’s feet. 6. The penalty for attempting a shot before returning the ball successfully behind the check line shall be loss of possession. 7. The player who returns the ball behind the three-point line may maintain possession and attempt to score. Following a made basket or dead ball, the ball shall be put in play within five seconds from the time the ball is in the “throw - in area”, regardless of whether the in-bounder has taken possession of the ball. If the ball is not put in play within five seconds it shall be a violation, and possession shall be awarded to the defense with no change in the possession arrow. 2. Player Restrictions When Inbounding Ball: 1. The in-bounder must be within 3 feet of the three-point line and must stay within the free throw lane extension area (12 feet wide), the area referred to as the “throw - in area”. 3. The defense may defend anywhere on the court; however, no player (offensive or defensive) may enter the ‘throw - in area”, which is considered out-of-bounds. 4. The in-bounder may not hand-off the ball to a teammate. 5. The in- bounder’s teammates may not enter the three -second lane to receive a pass or set a screen until the inbounding teammate takes

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