2025 Golden Age Games Guidelines

Fouls and Penalties 1.

No athlete, while their opponent is in pitching position, shall make any remark nor utter any sounds within the hearing of opponent, nor make any movement that does or might interfere with the opponent playing. Penalty: both shoes of the offender shall be declared foul in the inning about which complaint is made. 2. No athlete shall touch his/her own or opponent’s shoe or shoes until the event official renders a decision. The event official shall declare foul shoes thrown by an athlete failing to comply with this rule, and award points to the opponent, according to the position of his or her shoes. 3. No athlete shall walk to the horseshoe pit or be informed of the position of shoes prior to the completion of an inning. 4. A player, while not pitching, must remain in an area that does not interfere with his/her opponents pitching motion. 5. Any player repeatedly violating rules, or guilty of unsportsmanlike conduct, may be barred from further competition.

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