2025 Golden Age Games Guidelines


EQUIPMENT The NVGAG will provide the disc and cages for the event. The discs used will meet all the conditions set forth in the Professional Disc Golf Association (PDGA) Technical Standards. COMPETITION The sport of Blind Disc Golf is like regular golf, but participants will use a disc to aim at a Disc Pole Hole, placed in the ground with a basket made of chain. Participants want to complete the holes in the fewest number of throws. Athletes will be blindfolded during the competition when initiating each throw. The course will be a 9-hole course for ages 55-79 and a 6-hole course for ages 80+. Athletes will have the opportunity to practice with discs 15 minutes before start of the tournament.

Coaches can show athletes the course prior to the start and may serve as a guide during the game of play (if volunteers are not available).


No competitor will be permitted to participate without the appropriate bib (competition number). 2. Athletes 55-79 will compete for (9) hole format. Athletes 80+ will compete for the (6) hole format. 3. Coaches/volunteers will show participants the course and serve as the guide. The role of the guide is to get the athlete in the proper position and provide verbal (acoustic) cues (clapping the hands, voice) to help direct the throw. If the head official in charge of the event decides that a guide who is providing acoustic cues is in an unsafe location, then the official has the right to require the assistant to move. If the official in charge of the event decides that a guide is in breach of the rules (e.g., coaching in competition area), the athlete and his guide(s) shall be warned by the Lead Official and advised that, if there is any repetition, the athlete will be disqualified from the event. A guide animal is not recommended in the competition area to ensure the safety of all individuals. 4. Athletes will be called to the competition area to begin play with guide/coach.

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