5. Motorized devices are not allowed on the course due to unevenness of the course and to ensure the safety of the athlete. 6. Teeing order on the first tee is determined at random. 7. Teeing order on all subsequent tees is determined by the scores on the previous hole, with the lowest score throwing first, and so on. If the previous hole was a tie, the scores are to be counted back until the order is resolved. After all players in the group have teed off, the player farthest from the hole throws first. 8. Players should take a maximum of 30/45 seconds to make a throw after the previous player has thrown and marked their lie. 9. Tee throws must be completed within or behind the designated tee area. When the disc is released, at least one of the player’s feet must be in contact with the surface of the teeing area. 10. After each throw, the thrown disc must be left where it came to rest until the lie is established by the placing of a marker. 11. A marker inadvertently moved prior to the throw shall be returned to its correct location. 12. When the disc is released, a player must: a. Have at least one foot in contact with the playing surface on the line of play and directly behind the marker disc. b. Have no contact with the marker disc or any object closer to the hole than the marker disc. c. Have both feet in bounds. d. Stepping past the marker disc is permitted after the disc is released, except when putting within 10 meters. e. Any throw within 10 meters to the hole is considered a putt. A follow through after a putt, that causes the thrower to make contact closer to the hole, constitutes a falling putt and is considered a violation. f. A player must choose a stance that will result in the least movement of any obstacle that is a permanent part of the course. g. If a large obstacle prevents a player from taking a legal stance, the player shall take his or her stance immediately behind that obstacle on the line of play. The guide may assist the athlete in determining this. h. Stance violations can be made by an opponent (which will result in a warning), and all subsequent violations will incur a one-throw
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