2025 Golden Age Games Guidelines

COMPETITION The competition will be a seated event. There will be a safety briefing and a 15- minute preparation period to shoot unlimited sighters before the match begins. The preparation and sighting time will be timed to end approximately thirty (30) seconds before the official starting time of the match. Shooters will shoot 20 shots per record, totaling a possible score of 200. Matches will last no longer than 20 minutes. Eye protection will be provided and must be worn by all athletes, or any personnel in the immediate vicinity of the range – no exceptions. Corrective lenses or eyeglasses, and/or filters or tinted lenses, may be worn by the athlete. Clear lenses are best, but amber, yellow, or gray is acceptable. 2. Athletes who have not shot a rifle in preparation for the event, will not be allowed to shoot and be disqualified. 3. EVENT RULES 1. Athletes who are missing the target and have more than 4 shots hitting the range curtain backstop or the target support pole, will be removed from the firing line and disqualified from the competition. 4. Shooting course will be 10 meters (33 feet). 5. The targets will be positioned in such a manner that they are at least 4 feet off the ground/floor. 6. Shooters will shoot 20 shots per record, totaling a possible score of 200. 7. Each athlete’s total score will be tabulated after the remaining rounds are fired. 8. Neither the grip nor any part of the pistol may be extended or constructed in any way that would allow it to touch beyond the hand. The wrist must remain visibly free when the pistol is held in the normal firing position. 9. Bracelets, wristwatches, wristbands, or similar items are prohibited on the hand and arm that holds the pistol. 10. Adjustable grips are permitted providing that when they are adjusted for the athlete's hand they conform to these Rules. a. Grip adjustments are subject to random Equipment Control checks to ensure that they conform with these regulations.

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