8. The game is won by the player first scoring 11 points, unless both players have scored 10 points, then the game shall be won by the first player subsequently gaining a lead of 2 points. 9. When a tie of 10 points, the serve will alternate between players until a 2-point lead is gained and the game is over. 10. The choice of ends and the player in the first match shall be decided by a coin toss. Thereafter the server will alternate the start of each game. 11. After each 2 points have been scored, the receiving player shall become the serving player, and so on until the end of the game. 12. The service shall be delivered by the server releasing the ball by open palm only, without imparting a spin. 13. The following is a let: a. If the ball served touches the net or its supports, provided the service would be otherwise volleyed by the receiver. b. If either player is prevented by an accident not under his/her control, from serving a good service or making a good return. c. If the server releases the ball but does not make an attempt at the ball, he/she may attempt the serve again. 14. Either player shall lose a point: a. If he/she fails to make a good service, except as a let. b. If he/she or his/her racket (paddle), or anything that he/she wears or carries, touches the net or its supports while the ball is in play. c. If he/she or his/her racket (paddle), or anything that he/she wears or carries, moves the playing surface while the ball is in play. d. If his/her free hand touches the playing surface while the ball is in play. e. If, before the ball in play has passed over the end lines or side lines and has not yet touched the playing surface on his/her side of the table and ball comes in contact with him or anything that he/she wears or carries. 15. If at any time he/she volleys the ball, except in serving. 16. If the server makes an attempt on the ball and does not make contact with the ball on serve attempt, a point will be awarded to the receiver. 17. If the ball in play has passed over the end lines or side lines, has not yet touched the playing surface of his/her side of the table and ball comes in contact with him/her, a point will be awarded the player that the ball came in contact with during rest. (example - line drive) 18. When a good service or a good return having been made by his/her opponent, he/she fails to make a good return.
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