3. The free-throw shooter shall not break the vertical plane of the free- throw line with either foot until the ball strikes the rim, flange or backboard or until the free throw ends. 4. No player shall enter or leave a marked lane space or contact any part of the court outside the marked lane space until the free-throw shooter has released the ball. 5. If the shooter makes the last awarded free throw, the opposing team will inbound the ball. An unsporting technical infraction shall be when a player or substitute commits any unsportsmanlike act set forth in accordance with the NCAA rules and guidelines, and when outlined herein. Additionally, the act of stalling, or delaying the game intentionally, will be treated as such an infraction, and will first result in a warning issued to the penalized team. A second and any subsequent violation will result in a technical foul being issued and a penalty of two free throws shall be awarded to any member of the offended team, and possession of the ball following the free throws. This rule will not apply in the final two minutes of the first half of each game. Note 1: Technical fouls for stalling will be issued as administrative, and do not apply toward individual or team-foul total, toward disqualification or ejection. 2. Delay of game or stalling shall be defined as: the deliberate and obvious intention of using the delay to a team’s advantage (except inside the final two minutes of the end of the regulation period and all subsequent time thereafter in overtime periods).
Unsporting Technical Infractions: 1.
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