EQUIPMENT The NVGAG host will provide the 400m track, and automatic timing.
The NVGAG will provide certified implements for all field events and age groups. Athletes must use the implements that are provided.
COMPETITION The track competition will consist of 50m, 100m, 200m, 400m, 800m, 1500m and 3000m. The number of heats will be determined by the number of entries. The order of finish (1st through 8th places) will be determined by best times for each event within each age division. In track and field, clothing made of jean and/or denim and khaki material are not allowed as it can restrict movements during competition and if worn can result in disqualification. Athletic tights/shorts can be above mid-thigh, knee length, or ankle length. Loose fitted Capri length pants can be worn but cannot be of denim or khaki material. Each athlete will have the opportunity to throw any of the three official implements (discus, javelin and shot put) 4 attempts. Only the longest of each athlete’s four (4) throws will be scored. This competition will be open pit. Athletes will have the opportunity to compete in the sport during the time frame shown on the sports schedule. • Athletes must have registered for the sport to compete. • Athletes will compete on a first come, first serve basis. • All athletes should arrive 45 minutes before the end time of that sport to compete. • Anyone arriving after that time will need to wait until the next day that sport is provided on the schedule as a drop-in.
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