2025 Golden Age Games Guidelines


EQUIPMENT The NVGAG will provide scorecards, and golf carts. Athletes must provide their own tees, clubs, golf gloves, golf shoes, and golf balls. The NVGAG will not be responsible for replacing lost or stolen clubs. COMPETITION The event will be held on a golf course selected by the NVGAG. Play will consist of eighteen (18) holes for golfers 55 -79 and nine (9) holes for age groups 80 and above. If an athlete is unable to complete the round a withdrawal is necessary. Each athlete will compete individually within his/her age group and in the female and male category. Gross scores will determine the first three places in each age category. In the event of a tie between 1st, 2nd or 3rd place the USGA tie-breaking procedure of matching scorecards will be implemented. Golf athletes must have prior golfing experience of having played on a regular basis for at least the past one year and provide their handicap rating during registration. If rating is not listed in event registration, athlete will not be eligible to compete.


Play will consist of 18 holes for 55-79; 9 holes for 80+.


If an athlete is unavailable to complete the round, a withdrawal is necessary.

3. Scorecards should be turned in within 10 minutes after completion of the final hole. 4. Golf athletes must have prior golfing experience of having played on a regular basis for at least the past one year and provide their rating during registration. Athletes are required to provide proof of golf handicap during athlete registration. Examples of acceptable handicap services are: The Grint, USHandicap, Golfnet, MyScorecard, BlueGolf, GolfHandicapNetwork, GolfSoftware (with GSID#), Golf.com Handicap Tracker (powered by Golfnet), GHIN EClubs, NetHandicap

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