2025 Golden Age Games Guidelines


EQUIPMENT The NVGAG will provide the regulation boccia courts (12.5m x 6m), balls, measuring devices, boccia stands and timing equipment.

COMPETITION The competition will consist of singles and doubles for ambulatory division only. The age division of doubles will be determined by the younger age of the two partners as of December 31, 2025.

The competition will be set up in a single elimination tournament format, and all matches will consist of (4) ends.

The NVGAG reserve the right to change the tournament format for any age division based on entry numbers, space restrictions, or other circumstance.

Medals will be awarded to the first, second, and third place finishers, a ribbon will be awarded to 4th place finisher.

WHEELCHAIR ADAPATIONS – ADD DIFFERENCES The competition will consist only of singles.


Players are allowed to sit or stand during play. Competition will be a single elimination tournament.


3. A 2-minute warm-up per player/team will be permitted. 4. All matches will be played using two ends each team throwing a maximum of 6 balls per end. 5. Coin flip starts the game; winner has choice of color, which determines their player’s box, throwing of the Jack, and first throw for each end. 6. The player throwing stays behind the throwing line and inside their box. 7. Balls that do not land completely in the court will be declared “dead”. 8. Generally, players may not enter the court area without permission from the referee. 9. All seated athletes must keep at least one buttock in contact with the seat during the throw.

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