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&/#3&'r#3*&'4 COMMUNITY CENTRE FOR L’ORIGNAL? Ward 2 Councillor Marc Séguin told Champlain Township council that the L’Orignal chapter of the Knights of Columbus might be willing to help finance development of a community centre for the village. Séguin said during the April 10 council session that the local service club might be able to pro- vide between $150,000 and $175,000 from its community fund for the project. Mayor Gary Barton asked Councillor Séguin to relay to the service club that the offer will become part of a general discussion about financing options for the project during council’s May session. —Gregg Chamberlain NEW DOCTOR FOR P-R RESIDENCE Dr. Thomas Maxwell was confirmed, as of April 1, as the new medical director for the Prescott-Russell residence. Maxwell is with the director of care for the facility and with healthcare professionals who provide care services there. A graduate of the University of Ottawa Medical School in 1982, Maxwell has assumed several positions throughout the years. He is also known for his family practice, which he established in Hawkesbury in 1986. RETRAITE POUR LA GREFFIÈRE DES CUPR Après 28 ans de service aux Comtés unis, la greffière Andrée Latreille prendra sa retraite le 31 octobre 2018. « Ce poste de responsabilités m’a apporté beaucoup de satisfaction, de beaux défis et sans compter le bonheur d’être reconnue par mes pairs », a reconnu la greffière. Du 1 er avril au 31 octobre, Mme Latreille aura comme adjointe Mélissa Cadieux, qui était greffière adjointe pour la municipalité d’Alfred et Plantagenet. Le 1 er novembre, Mme Cadieux sera nommée greffière . — Michel Lamy responsible, among other things, for advis- ing residence staff on medical care for resi- dents, consulting

Action Champlain needs to raise $225,000 by the middle of May or else it may not be able to continue its legal fight to stop a proposed cement plant project near the Village of L’Orignal. “If we do not take on the fight,” said André Chabot, Action Champlain spokesman, to a crowd of 200 during the April 12 annual general meeting in L’Orignal, “if we do not raise the funds necessary, we are sure to lose.” The local activist group has an appeal pending this fall with the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB), over a counties council de- cision approving a rezoning request from Colacem Canada Ltd. for a cement plant project near L’Orignal. The company has its own appeal before the OMB against Champlain Township, which turned down Colacem’s rezoning request. Action Champlain presented a strategy summary for the OMB appeal. The group needs $225,000 to cover all legal and technical expenses otherwise it may not be able to continue the appeal. Expert opinions Ronald Caza and Gabriel Poliquin, repre- senting the legal force behind Action Cham- plain, described the situation as “a David versus Goliath” scenario between the local community group and the Canadian branch of a multinational company. Both Caza and Poliquin noted that Colacem Canada and its parent company can spend a few million dol- lars on a legal appeal, because they expect to make millions more in the long-term from the cement plant. “This for them is an investment to make a lot of money,” said Caza, adding there is no guarantee the OMB would rule in Colacem’s favour. “You’ve got a fighting chance,” he said, “and a fighting chance is sufficient.” Poliquin noted that the OMB tribunal members are experts on land use issues. They make their decisions based on the facts concerning land use. “Typically, you can’t put an industry in the middle of a rural area,” Poliquin said, He noted that both sides must argue their case

Action Champlain doit récolter 225 000 $ d’ici la mi-mai, faute de quoi elle pourrait ne pas être en mesure de poursuivre sa bataille juridique pour arrêter un projet de cimenterie près du village de L’Orignal. Plus de 200 résidents de L’Orignal se sont rassemblés dans l’auditorium de l’École élémentaire catholique Saint-Jean-Baptiste pour écouter les experts en droit et en aménagement du territoire expliquer la stratégie juridique d’Action Champlain, avant de décider s’ils s’engagent financièrement à soutenir le groupe militant local. —photo Gregg Chamberlain

the landscape view from County Road 17, and the actual truck traffic to and from the plant when it opens. At the end of the meeting Action Cham- plain provided pledge sheets to everyone who wanted one to fill out and send back before May 15. Chabot expressed optimism that the community will come through with the financial support. “I thought we’d have maybe 100 people here tonight,” he said, “and we had 200. I think they’ve heard us. I think they under- stand what the fight is all about.”

based on expert testimony about land use. “So it’s our job to undermine their experts where we can, with the help of our experts.” George McKibbon is Action Champlain’s land use planning technical expert. He gave a brief outline of “seven key points” for Action Champlain’s strategy in its appeal. Those seven target points include the results of the studies Colacem did on air, dust, and noise pollution impacts as part of its argument for the rezoning request, the proposed buffer zone between the plant site and the surrounding properties, impact on

-"/$*&/."*3&4&."/*'&45&©(4-3 FRÉDÉRIC HOUNTONDJI

L’ancien maire de Grenville-sur-la-Rouge John Saywell a tenté d’obtenir quelques précisions lors de la séance publique du conseil municipal le 10 avril dernier. Sa première préoccupation portait sur les comptes payables. « Vous approuvez les comptes et vous avez une autre résolution qui approuve les chèques », s’est-il étonné. « Ça ce sont les montants au-delà de 3000 $ », a répondu le maire Tom Arnold. « Donc s’il y a des montants en bas de 3000 $, ils sont juste payés et plus de 3000 $, ça prend une autre résolution », a-t-il FODPSFDIFSDIÊÆDPNQSFOESFjø&YBDUøv B rétorqué le maire Arnold L’intervention de M. Saywell concernait aussi la directrice des finances qui ne serait pas active. Il a laissé entendre qu’il y aurait des cas de congé de maladie. « On ne discute pas des conditions de santé de nos employés, a répondu le directeur général par intérim, Marc Beaulieu. Mme Rebecca Ménard fait son travail. » M. Saywell a également posé des questions sur le ministère des Affaires municipales qui serait venu plusieurs fois à MIÔUFMEFWJMMFjø&TUDFWSBJø øvBUJMEFNBOEÊ Le maire en blaguant lui a répliqué : « Il (le ministère) s’ennuyait de vous », ce qui en a farire plus d’un dans la salle du conseil.

Publié le mercredi par • Published on Wednesday by: La Compagnie d’édition André Paquette Inc. Imprimé par • Printed by: Imprimerie Prescott et Russell, Hawkesbury, ON # convention : 0040012398

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John Saywell, the former mayor of Grenville-sur-la-Rouge was at the last public meeting of the municipal council where he posed some questions to the new administration. —photo Frédéric Hountondji

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