Motion by Director Mosely, Second by Director Leahy Motion : To approved Resolutions 2020-04 Transferring $164,000 from working capital to reserves, and Resolution 2020-05 Reserve Fund meeting established level for 2020. Discussion: Director Boudin questioned budget line item increased cost for mailroom. GM Vitrano explained it was for the California minimum wage increase. Motion passed unanimously 3. Setting of 2020-21 Assessment President Farmer stated that the proposed assessment increase is $12 a month. Motion by Director Renoe, Second by Director Mosely Motion: To set the assessment for 2021 fiscal year at $406 per month, per lot. Motion passed unanimously 4. Approval of Budget Motion by Director Leahy, Second by Director Hare Motion: Approve budget as prepared and recommended by the Finance Committee Discussion: Director Mosely questioned the fiscal soundness of having a Golf Pro for the small ORPS course. He would not vote to approve budget with that expense included in the budget. Director Boudin commented that we need one more year to fully evaluate the Golf Director (Golf Professional) position. President Farmer commented that we have just approved the budget and there are going to be ongoing staffing discussions, with no need to change the adopted budget. Director Leahy commented that we depend on the GM to do staffing within the budget as needed to manage the Resort. Motion passed 6 -1 with Director Mosely voting no. B. Setting of Special Meeting for Petition Vote to Overturn Pet Rule Petition was received to rescind the Board approved pet trial area, with names and signatures verified. Legal counsel was consulted and has advised the Board there has to be an election or special meeting that has been approved. Ed stated two possible motions that would be made. Motion: To approve 10:00 a.m. on June 15, 2020 at the LP Clubhouse, assuming the Covid-19 pandemic has ended, for a special meeting of Members for vote on Pet Rule reversal. Motion: To approve a contract in an amount not to exceed $6,000 and engage The Inspectors of Election (TIE) company to be the inspector of election. GM Vitrano stated that legal counsel has advised that the election company has
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