In addition to meeting DMA and CRS requirements, this plan also meets the recommended steps for developing a Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP). Table 2.2 below outlines the recommended CWPP process and the CRS step and sections of this plan that meet each step. Table 2.2 – Community Wildfire Protection Plan Process Reference
CWPP Process
CRS Step
Fulfilling Plan Section
Convene decision makers Involve Federal agencies
Step 1 Step 3
Section 2 – HMPC
Section 2 – Involving Stakeholders Section 2 – HMPC, Involving the Public, Involving Stakeholders
Engage interested parties (such as community representatives)
Step 1, 2, and 3
Establish a community base map
Section 4 – Wildfire Section 4 – Wildfire Section 5 – Capability
Develop a community risk assessment, including fuel hazards, risk of wildfire occurrence, homes, business and essential infrastructure at risk, other community values at risk, local preparedness, and firefighting capability Establish community hazard reduction priorities and recommendations to reduce structural ignitability Develop an action plan and assessment strategy
Step 4 and 5
Step 6, 7, and 8 Step 8 and 10
Section 6 – Mitigation Strategy Section 7 – Mitigation Action Plans Section 7 – Mitigation Action Plans Section 8 – Plan Maintenance
Finalize the CWPP
Step 9
Section 9 – Plan Adoption
The process followed for the preparation of this plan, as outlined in Table 2.1 above, is as follows: 2.3.1 Phase I – Planning Process Planning Step 1: Organize to Prepare the Plan With the County’s commitment to participate in the DMA planning process, community officials worked to establish the framework and organization for development of the plan. An initial meeting was held with key community representatives to discuss the organizational aspects of the plan development process. The Wake County Emergency Management Deputy Director led the County’s effort to reorganize and coordinate for the plan update. Consultants from Wood Environment and Infrastructure Solutions, Inc. assisted by leading the County through the planning process and preparing the plan document. Planning Step 2: Involve the Public Public involvement in the development of the plan was sought using various methods, as detailed in Section 2.6. Planning Step 3: Coordinate The HMPC formed for development of the 2015 Plan was reconvened for this plan update. More details on the HMPC are provided in Section 1.4. Stakeholder coordination was incorporated into the formation of the HMPC and was sought through additional outreach methods. These efforts are detailed in Section 1.8. Coordination with Other Community Planning Efforts and Hazard Mitigation Activities In addition to stakeholder involvement, coordination with other community planning efforts was also seen as paramount to the success of this plan. Mitigation planning involves identifying existing policies, tools, and actions that wi ll reduce a community’s risk and vulnerability to hazards. Wake County and its participating jurisdictions use a variety of planning mechanisms, such as Comprehensive Plans, subdivision regulations, building codes, and ordinances to guide growth and development. Integrating existing planning efforts, mitigation policies, and action strategies into this plan establishes a credible and
Wake County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan 2019
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