November, 1936
T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
1,000,000 Gospel-Neglected Children In the South and West are Starving for the Bread of Life
A great Host o f Boys and Girls in Mountain and P ioneer Districts are Growing up with Little or No Know ledge o f Christ.
In the absence of sufficient mission aries, God has given this Association, founded by D. L. Moody, wonderful opportunity to evangelize these great areas through the public schools, with Gospels of John and the Moody books. Testaments are offered as rewards for memorizing salvation texts. Moody Col portage books are used for supplemental reading thereby revealing further the Way of Life. Children manifest a great hunger for the Word of God, yet multi tudes do not have even a Gospel. Teach ers report many being saved. Revivals and _Sunday Schools are following this sowing of the precious Seed.
Indian and white children with Indian teacher. Isolated Ozark school eager to earn Testaments by memorizing Scripture.
2300 Teachers Have Called for Scriptures and MoodyBooks ThisTerm T e a c h e r s R e p o r t M a rv e lo u s B le s s in g from M em o ry W o rk
Already over 6,000 children have earned Testa ments and Pocket Treasurys. Of course they are anxiously awaiting these rewards, but The Fund Is Completely Exhausted! Surely you are saying, “We must not disappoint these children who have worked so faithfully to obtain a Tes tament for their very own.” Many are being saved through the power of the Scriptures. It is a serious matter to withhold the Life-giving Word from the young folk who prize it so highly! Can there be any better way to stop the rapid prog ress of modem infidelity and communism than to sat urate the minds of youth with God’s word? $5,000.00 Is Urgently Needed at Once! How Large a Share W ill Yon Take? $15.00 will supply about three schools w ith Gospels, Colportage books and Testam ent. $10.00 will pay fo r and send out 80 Testam ents, or about 500 H orton Gospels of John. $5.00 will supply a large school, or furnish 40 Testam ents, or more th an 200 Gospels. $3.50 will furnish a school of 40 pupils w ith Gospels and Moody books. $1.00 will furnish about 50 Gospels, or 8 Testam ents, or tracts fo r several schools.
Five Accepted Christ—Crystal, Okla. The commun ity as a whole has really changed. This work got the smaller generation stirred up and this touched the par ents. This was really the way to get to them. There have been five who have accepted, Christ and others who have asked for your prayers. I think this is really, a God-send that we got this literature in time to con vert so many.—A. D. “Every child from nine on gave his heart to God. The school has taken a 100 per cent stand for Jesus.” —P. P., Ky. “Pupils have started in the right direction.” —V. D„ Ark. “Last year there were sixty professions in a revival following the use of literature.” —V. A., Ky. “The children are sitting up half of the night to get the memory work. They like it great.” —-J. A. G., Ark. “They are thrilled to death over the literature.” . - ‘■ - V . E., Ky. “My children spend their extra school time learning about God now instead of in mischief.” —O. B. J„ Mo. “The literature has aroused interest in reading the Bible.” —H. A., Ky. “The students develop a more conscientious attitude about their work and respect for others.” —L. S. S., Tenn. “My children have simply gone wild over your mate rial.” —J. E., Ky. “Children, young people, adults and old people have been reading the books. They seem to be starving for literature of this kind.” , —R. B. S., Ark. “Pupils begin to ask questions as to the way of sal vation.” —N. H., Tenn. The BIBLE INSTITUTE COLPORTAGE ASSOCIATION 810 North Wells Street Chicago, Illinois
The Bible Institute Colportage Association, 810 N orth Wells Street, Chicago, 111.
Yes, I w ant the joy of helping to p lan t the W ord of God in the minds of m ountain and pioneer children, and enclose $ ........................
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