ELEVATE: A Field Guide to the Plateau - Summer 2021

A closer look at local favor ite

Cashiers Farmers Market & On The Side BBQ One of Cashiers’ most popular and successful locally owned businesses is the Cashiers Farmers Market and On The Side Barbecue. Sitting at the crossroads of Highway 64 and Highway 107, you can’t miss it when you cruise into town. As you enter the market, you’ll likely be greeted by one of the owners’ Golden Retrievers, who are completely unfazed by the bustle around them. The décor is reminiscent of days gone by, with crates of local produce and old advertising signs displayed prominently. Yet the products they carry UHSUHVHQWWKH¿QHVWLQSUHSDUHGIRRGLWHPVFKHHVHVHDIRRGZLQHDQG more, including gift items. On The Side BBQ is, you guessed it, on the side of the market and sells fresh barbecue and more, as individual meals as well as certain items in bulk. Owners Tom and Robin Crawford have successfully created what is FRQVLGHUHGDQ³LQVWLWXWLRQ´LQ&DVKLHUVE\R̆HULQJZKDWWKHLUFXVWRPHUV want while adding a heaping helping of nostalgia. As their website says, “it’s like old home week… all the time.” And that is a feeling that your average grocery store just cannot provide.

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