ELEVATE: A Field Guide to the Plateau - Summer 2021

A closer look at local professional

Q :KDWDUH\RXUIDYRULWHORFDOÀRZHUVDQGSODQWVWRZRUNZLWKDQG why? A I love using masses of native ferns and mosses in woodland areas. Several rhododendrons and hydrangeas varieties also bring color to WKHODQGVFDSHLQWKHVXPPHUPRQWKV1DWLYHÀRZHULQJSHUHQQLDOV such as beebalm, ironweed, asters, and wild geranium, not only provide color and interest in the landscape, but also attract pollinators and birds. Byrd Landscape Design, LLC by Renee Bryd

Q How long have you owned/worked with the company?

A I began working in landscape design in 2004 during my graduate career at Clemson University and began Byrd Landscape Design in 2006.

Q What made you get into this industry?

A I have always enjoyed art and spending time outdoors. My mom worked for a landscape architect in Birmingham, Alabama and I was always amazed at her talent and ability to create a design vision on paper, then watch it come to life in the landscape. As a horticulture major at Clemson University, I focused my studies in landscape design, and was inspired to pursue that as a career with the encouragement and knowledge shared by my mentor and professor Mary Haque. Each project, client, and site are unique, and I enjoy the creative process and connecting with clients to provide outdoor spaces for clients that they will enjoy with their family and friends for years to come.

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