ELEVATE: A Field Guide to the Plateau - Summer 2021


A Sustainability has become a strong core value in both the landscape industry and what many clients desire in their home landscapes. Thoughtful landscape design has the capability to provide peaceful havens for clients to enjoy the outdoors, as well as healing and enhancing the surrounding land. Well-designed functional outdoor spaces encourage FOLHQWVWRHQMR\WKHPXOWLWXGHRIEHQH¿WVSURYLGHGE\VSHQGLQJWLPH outdoors. Incorporating native plants for pollinators and wildlife has become more and more popular, as well as designing for low maintenance and selecting plant material that is well suited for each individual site and environmental conditions to reduce or eliminate the need for chemicals.

Q What’s your favorite part of the business?

A Meeting with clients and forming relationships to create outdoor spaces and experiences that are unique to each client and responsive to their needs and respectful to the surrounding land. I enjoy being able to communicate ideas through design and renderings. I am grateful to be able

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