ELEVATE: A Field Guide to the Plateau - Summer 2021

Home gardens and sustainable gardening practices are becoming increasingly desirable. Kitchen gardens of all scales are being incorporated more frequently into home landscapes. Raised planting beds, groups of containers, or integrating fruits, vegetables, and herbs into the landscape can provide a variety of food sources for many months of the year. $ORQJZLWKPRUHRSSRUWXQLWLHVIRUVHOIVẊFLHQWJDUGHQLQJPDQ\ homeowners are requesting plant material to provide food for birds and attract pollinators to the garden, “rewilding” once barren lawns with a SOHWKRUDRILQYLWLQJÀRZHUVDQGVHHGVRXUFHV,QFRUSRUDWLQJDYDULHW\ of well-suited native plants is recommended to support wildlife in the landscape. Multi-functional outdoor spaces are also extremely popular in the home landscape. Seamlessly connecting the home to the outdoors for entertainment has been a long-time trend in residential landscape design, and probably even more so now. With more people working from home, creating havens for retreat or opportunities to bring the ṘFHRXWVLGHZKHQSRVVLEOHLVHVVHQWLDO:HOOGHVLJQHGRXWGRRUVSDFHV that can be used for multiple purposes will provide opportunities to H̆RUWOHVVO\HQMR\WKHEHDXW\RIWKHQDWXUDOZRUOGDURXQGXV

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