ELEVATE: A Field Guide to the Plateau - Summer 2021

Q Who is your client base?

A I specialize in residential landscape design primarily in Cashiers and Highlands in western North Carolina as well as the Lake Keowee area in upstate South Carolina.

Q Do you have a favorite project you can share?

A (YHU\SURMHFWLVXQLTXHDQGVSHFLDOWRPHVRLWLVGL̇FXOWWRFKRRVHD IDYRULWH,QFRUSRUDWLQJHOHPHQWVRIZDWHUVWRQH¿UHZRRGDQGSODQW material into outdoor spaces provides unique and varying aspects of interest throughout the seasons. 2QHUHVLGHQFHLQ+LJKODQGV1&ZDVJUHDWO\LQÀXHQFHGE\WKHJHQWO\ sloping terrain, existing stream, and the client’s desire to create a variety of unique outdoor spaces to discover throughout the 27 acre property. Their vision focused on providing creative, unique, and fun opportunities to bring family members and guests together, with seamless transitions between the home and outdoor spaces around the property, in addition to providing a space for gardening, pollinator plants for bees, and a variety

Renee Byrd of Byrd Landscape Design, LLC

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