ELEVATE: A Field Guide to the Plateau - Summer 2021

of blooms throughout the year. The area surrounding the home and guest house was VWURQJO\LQÀXHQFHG by an English cottage garden theme, blended with local mountain style. The client worked closely with Scotlyn’s Yard Landscaping and Smathers Excavating to create a series of ponds and waterfalls meandering through the property and integrating these features seamlessly with the home.

A stone seating area cantilevered over the large pond is easily accessed from the home for entertaining and provides an easy launching site for ND\DNVDQGÀRDWVGXULQJWKHVXPPHUPRQWKV1HDUE\DNLWFKHQJDUGHQ with raised beds provides easy access to vegetables and herbs from the home. A potting shed constructed of antique windows, doors, and barn wood is a short walk from the garden and is surrounded by a variety of ÀRZHULQJSHUHQQLDOVDQGVKUXEV7KHODZQDUHDWXFNHGDZD\LQDQDUHD EHORZWKHSRQGSURYLGHVÀH[LEOHVHDWLQJVSDFHDGMDFHQWWRDZDWHUIDOO stream. Crossing a small stone bridge leads to a meandering woodland footpath to the guest cottage on the property.

I collaborated with XStream Ponds and Grandy Mountain Farm and Landscapes on a unique project in Mountaintop Golf Club in Cashiers,

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