ELEVATE: A Field Guide to the Plateau - Summer 2021

As your real estate agents, Mike and Traci are committed to providing you with great customer service, consistent communication, strong attention to detail, and ensuring a positive experience for both buyers and sellers. They understand what it means to communicate and what it takes to successfully close a transaction, making the buying or selling experience positive and seamless.“We are not number one, YOU are!” TOM GOLDACKER Tom had been vacationing to the Highlands/Cashiers Plateau for over 20 years and like many others who have visited, fell in love with the mountains and the quality of life in our area. After spending the majority of his life in Florida and working as both a Florida 0DULQH3DWURO2̇FHUDQG3ULYDWH,QYHVWLJDWRU7RP ¿QDOO\PDGHWKHPRYHJRWKLV5HDO(VWDWH/LFHQVHDQG is now a permanent resident in our community. In 7RPZDVR̆HUHGDMREDW6LJQDWXUH3URSHUWLHV where he worked under the guidance of Judy Michaud.



:KHQ-XG\0LFKDXGJRWWKHRSSRUWXQLW\WRKDYHKHURZQ5HDO(VWDWHṘFH Tom was delighted to join her and her team at Meadows Mountain Realty. 'XULQJKLV¿UVWWKUHH\HDUV7RPEHFDPHZHOODFTXDLQWHGZLWKWKHDUHDDQG used his people skills to develop his own style of Real Estate sales. Tom is laid back, has a very outgoing personality and is one hell of a tour guide. Just ask his clients!!!

Experienced network agents? Good to know. Genuine advice? Good to know.

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