ELEVATE: A Field Guide to the Plateau - Summer 2021

BETTY HOLT A Highlands native, Betty grew up exploring the woods and natural wonders of the area. After receiving two degrees from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, she returned home to the mountains in the late 1970’s to begin her real estate career.

BROKER In addition to helping people make decisions about real estate, as a licensed professional counselor and retirement coach, Betty helps people make decisions about their lives in other arenas as well. Although she has enjoyed much success in her real estate dealings, she considers herself not the typical fast-paced, high-pressure Realtor, but more of a partner and ally in helping people discover and live their dreams. She enjoys writing and songwriting, hiking and travel.

Betty is a graduate of the Leadership Highlands program and serves on the boards of Big Brothers Big Sisters and the Highlands Historical Society.

LYNN W. KIMBALL Lynn has been a full-time real estate professional since VSHQGLQJWKH¿UVWVHYHQ\HDUVLQ1RUWKHUQ9$ VSHFLDOL]LQJLQLQYHVWRUSURSHUWLHVDQG¿UVWWLPHKRPH buyers. She moved to the Bradenton/Sarasota area of FL from 1980 until 1985, serving in general real estate and as the Marketing Director for a private island community in the Sarasota Bay.

BROKER Lynn and her family moved to Highlands in 1985 after ¿QGLQJLWRQDWKUHHGD\YLVLWWRWKHDUHD7KHZHOFRPLQJ spirit of the Highlands people, the beautiful mountains and the quaint, historic town called out to me as a perfect place to raise my children and to have a better quality of life.

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