ELEVATE: A Field Guide to the Plateau - Summer 2021

Lynn was hired to represent the developer of Highlands Falls Country Club in 1985 as the Broker-in-Charge of their Sales Division. There became the team of Johnny White, Director of Sales, Lynn Kimball and Judy Michaud (now owner of Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Meadows 0RXQWDLQ5HDOW\ 7KH+LJKODQGV)DOOVFRPPXQLW\WRRNR̆OLNHDURFNHW and our team sold it out by 1996. ,Q/\QQSXUFKDVHGWKHUHDOHVWDWH¿UPRI+LJKODQGV)DOOV5HDOW\ and renamed the company “Signature Properties of Highlands”, working together with the same team plus additional agents. Signature Properties EORVVRPHGRYHUWKH\HDUVWREHFRPHWKHODUJHVWVHOOLQJUHDOHVWDWH¿UP in the Highlands-Cashiers area. In 2011, Signature Properties joined Meadows Mountain Realty. The original team of Judy Michaud, Johnny White and Lynn Kimball remain together today with a total of 15 full time 5HDOWRUVFRPELQLQJWKHEHVWRIERWK¿UPVXQGHUWKHQDPHRI%HUNVKLUH Hathaway HomeServices Meadows Mountain Realty. Lynn and her husband Kerry reside on Satulah Mountain in Highlands, along with their six dogs and a cat. They have two daughters and eight grandchildren who live locally. Lynn’s quote, “When we moved to Highlands, I never looked back. It’s fun to visit other areas of the country, but I have never been tempted to live anywhere else. There’s no place like home.”

DAVE KIRCHNER Dave is originally from the Chicago area and previously lived in Colorado. He graduated from California State University – Long Beach with a BSBA in Professional Accounting in 1980. After ZRUNLQJIRU$UWKXU$QGHUVHQ &R¶V'HQYHUṘFH as a construction and development specialist, he worked for the Snowmass Company development group in Snowmass Village, Colorado where he


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