ELEVATE: A Field Guide to the Plateau - Summer 2021

After 21 years of law enforcement, Angie decided it was time for a career change. She has always been interested in the real estate market and decided to obtain her North Carolina Real Estate Broker license in 2017. Angie has been married to her husband, Michael for 11 years. She has WZRDGXOWVRQVDQGLVH[SHFWLQJKHU¿UVWJUDQGFKLOGWKLV\HDU$QJLH and Michael enjoy canoing, hiking, camping and all of the wonderful RXWGRRUDFWLYLWLHV:HVWHUQ1RUWK&DUROLQDKDVWRR̆HU Angie is excited to be part of the Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Meadows Mountain Realty team and is looking forward to helping RWKHUV¿QGWKHLUPRXQWDLQKRPHDQGOLYLQJWKLVJUHDWOLIH

JOHN MUIR Growing up in Atlanta, John has been visiting western North Carolina his entire life. Spending summers on the plateau with his parents and grandparents, he developed a deep love for the area. After graduating from Ole Miss with a degree in Real Estate, he moved west to Vail, Colorado. While in Vail, he worked as a À\¿VKLQJJXLGHHYHQWXDOO\VWDUWLQJKLVRZQRXW¿WWLQJ service, as well as working as a property manager for second home owners in the area.


With the arrival of their son, Shep, John and his wife, Charlotte, decided to move closer to home and chose the Highlands area. The main draw to the plateau for the Muirs was the quality of life and DYDLODELOLW\RIRXWGRRUUHFUHDWLRQWKLVUHJLRQKDVWRR̆HUHVSHFLDOO\ ¿VKLQJRSSRUWXQLWLHVDQGJUHDWKLNLQJDORQJZLWKDJUHDWFRPPXQLW\ for raising a family.

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