ELEVATE: A Field Guide to the Plateau - Summer 2021

After moving from Colorado, John decided to put his real estate knowledge to work and got his NC real estate license. He is excited to be a part of the Berkshire Hathaway Meadows Mountain Realty team and looks forward to sharing his passion for the area with his clients.

DONNA HARRIS NICKERSON Donna Nickerson grew up in Pennsylvania where she attended Temple University and obtained a Bachelor of Science degree. After college, Donna headed south to Florida with plans of continuing her education at Florida Atlantic University. She soon discovered her undergrad passion, psychology was not her ideal career path and instead began her career in Public Relations with The North Broward Hospital District.


She migrated from PR to Marketing for a large restaurant and hotel JURXSLQ)W/DXGHUGDOHZKHUHVKHPHWKHUKXVEDQG-H̆ Ft. Lauderdale was there home until their daughter, Taylor, arrived and WKH\GHFLGHGWRPRYHWR1RUWK&DUROLQDZKHUH-H̆KDGIRQGPHPRULHVRI spending summers as a child. Donna accepted a job for the Biltmore Estate and she and her family moved to Asheville in 2007 and then to on to Cashiers in 2010 where VKHZRUNHGDVWKH1DWLRQDO6DOHV0DQDJHUIRU%LOWPRUH(VWDWH-H̆ IRFXVHGRQKLVSDVVLRQ¿WQHVVDVWKHSHUVRQDOWUDLQHUDW+LJK+DPSWRQ in addition to building his home maintenance company Mountain Home Management. 10 years later Donna decided to trade in her sales hat with Biltmore and concentrate on her family while staying involved with her love of marketing through her own independent web design and social media advertising business.

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