ELEVATE: A Field Guide to the Plateau - Summer 2021

JOHN E. WHITE After graduating from the University of South Carolina ZLWKD%6GHJUHHLQ%XVLQHVVDQGVSHQGLQJ¿YH\HDUV LQ¿QDQFHDQGLQVXUDQFH-RKQQ\EHJDQKLVUHDOHVWDWH career with the development of Palmetto Dunes on Hilton Head Island, SC. Palmetto Dunes is a 2,100- acre oceanfront golf and residential community. %HLQJRQWKHJURXQGÀRRUWDXJKW-RKQQ\GHYHORSPHQW


HQJLQHHULQJDQGGHVLJQVNLOOVWKDWKHZRXOGEHQH¿WIURPWKURXJKRXW his career. As the project grew, he became the Marketing Director and Sales Manager. Johnny was later involved with various real estate projects as manager and consultant. In 1984, Johnny was asked to join Golf Properties, Inc., which was developing Highlands Falls Country Club, a 550-acre residential golf community in Highlands, NC. In 1985, he joined the Development and Marketing team and ultimately formed Highlands Falls Realty to manage the real estate sales for the community. His wife, Lynda, also became involved in the project as assistant to the General Manager. The success of Highlands Falls Country Club is well known, and it continues to experience new and exciting changes. Johnny and Lynda genuinely enjoy the Highlands area. Real estate is one of Johnny’s passions, and he loves working with buyers and sellers WRKHOSWKHP¿QGWKHLUGUHDPSURSHUW\RUEHJLQDQHZFKDSWHUDVWKH\ sell their home.

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