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« Nous sommes ici afin de soutenir et encourager notre ami Francis ! » Le rouge était à l’honneur le 7 septembre dernier, lors du lancement officiel de la campagne électorale du député fédéral de Glengarry-Prescott-Russell Francis Drouin, au 159, rue Main à Hawkesbury. « Pour moi, la politique a toujours été simple, a souligné le député devant une cinquantaine de partisans venus l’encou- rager. C’est de donner un coup de main à la classe moyenne et à ceux qui travaillent fort afin d’en faire partie. » Le chef intérimaire du Parti libéral de l’Ontario, John Fraser, était aussi de la par- tie, afin de prêter mainforte à son ancien collègue. « Francis et moi avons travaillé ensemble sous Dalton McGuinty, disait-il. Il (Francis) est intelligent et il adore aider les autres. Son but est d’aider la communauté. » Tout comme le député de la région, M. Fra- ser a soutenu qu’un gouvernement fédéral conservateur procèderait à de nombreuses

Dental Implants and Confidence Nicholas Fournier, DD N’oubliez pas de sourire Losing your natural teeth is a very personal experience. When you have no choice but to lose them, you also lose a part of yourself, of your identity. Even though you can’t quantify that loss, you can feel it even before the extraction process. It is similar to the feeling of losing a limb, and the consequent distress and embarrassment. Missing teeth will shatter your confidence and having to accept dentures, is challenging. It is very difficult to regain confidence with a moving piece that is now your teeth. That being said, in certain situations dentures work well, and patients are happy with the end result. Nonetheless, whether you are with family, friends or your spouse, it is difficult to feel confident when you are always worried about something possibly falling out of your mouth. However, teeth that are not stable or secure can be fixed.This is where dental implants come in. Dental implants will secure teeth in place, making them so rock solid that they will feel like your real teeth! That is something you can rely on. Your confidence, your smile and a feeling of normalcy will return for good. We don’t realize the impact of something until we lose it. Moreover, if we are lucky to get it back, our quality of life also comes back. Let me tell you a story. One of my patients came to me with a lower denture (which she had had for the past two years) that simply never worked properly. I had never seen a patient with such low self- esteem: she struggled with this problem on a daily basis, she no longer went out and refused to be seen without teeth. Her life was effectively shutting down. She thought herself too old for dental implants and believed the procedure was too expensive. I informed her that she was not alone, that many people deal with this kind of situation and that dental implants could change her life for the better. While it took some time for her to agree, she finally decided to get dental implants. From the very first day that she got her teeth attached to the implants, her attitude was transformed. She was finally happy and even wondered how she ever went without them. Despite her positive outlook, I had to ask her if dental implants were truly worth it at her age and with the state of her health. She told me it was a game changer and that if everyone knew about it, it could uplift so many people. She even shared with me that she would do it again in a heartbeat, regardless of her age.

Formation gratuite de RCR, niveau « A » FREE CPR Level “A” Training

Francis Drouin, member of parliament (MP) for the Glengarry-Prescott-Russell region, officially launched his electoral campaign amidst a sea of red on September 7, at his electoral office in Hawkesbury. “Politics, for me, has always been about giving a helping hand to the middle class and the ones working hard to join it.” During the event, about 50 supporters gathered at the office to hear various speeches, not only from Drouin, but also from John Fraser, Interim Chief for the Provincial Liberal Party. The elections are slated for October 23. Pictured is Drouin, his wife Kate, their newborn son Léo-Xavier, Fraser, and former Liberal MP and Minister Don Boudria. —photo Francis Racine coupes budgétaires. « Ils veulent nous faire SFDVMFS FYQMJRVBJUDFEFSOJFS/PVT PODIPJTJU d’avancer. » L’ancien député fédéral et ministre, le libéral Don Boudria, était aussi venu mani- fester son appui au député actuel. Lors de son discours, M. Drouin a fait remarquer que le taux de chômage a diminué BVDPVSTEFTEFSOJÍSFTBOOÊFTjø&O  MFUBVYEFDIÔNBHFEBOTM&TUPOUBSJFOÊUBJU Æ ø TPJUøBVEFTTVTEFMBNPZFOOF nationale, a ajouté le député devant une foule de partisans. Aujourd’hui, le taux de chômage dans la région se situe dans la NPJUJÊEFDFRVJMÊUBJUFOFUFOEFT - sous du taux de chômage national, et ça, c’est grâce à vous tous ! » Les résidents du pays se donneront SFOEF[WPVTMFPDUPCSFQSPDIBJO

Il y a environ 40 000 arrêts cardiaques chaque année au Canada. Jusqu’à 85% d’entre eux surviennent à la maison. Le taux de survie est de moins de 5 %. Par contre, si la réanimation cardiorespiratoire (RCR) est pratiquée dans les toutes premières minutes, le taux de survie et de rétablissement peut atteindre plus de 30%.

Approximately 40,000 cardiac arrests occur in Canada every year. Up to 85% take place at home. Less than 5% survive. However, if CPR is performed in the first few minutes, it can increase the odds of survival and recovery by 30% or more.



Clarence Creek

9 octobre 2019

Clarence Creek

October 19, 2019

12:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

8 h à midi

Pour plus d’informations ou pour vous enregistrer, veuillez visiter notre site web (au bas de la page principale - section dernières nouvelles) ou composer le (613) 673- 5139, poste 226. NOTE : Cette formation n’est pas reconnue par les employeurs

For further details or to register, please visit our website at www.prescott-russell. (at bottom of Home Page - Recent News section) or call (613) 673-5139, Ext. 226.

NOTE: This training is not recognized by employers

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613-446-3336 2911 rue Laurier, bureau 105, Rockland , ON

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