Reflet _2013_11_28


4-H Calf Club members show at Royal Winter Fair TORONTO | Nine local 4-H Calf Club mem- bers showed their Holstein heifer calves at the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair in To- ronto November 3 to 5, including Tamara Hamilton of North Russell. Hamilton and CANDICE VETTER Le cloud &

her calf Greenlark Roses Gina (Gina) made the cut for the final championship round for conforma- tion in the Holstein Show. Gina’s gen- etics include the famous Goldwyn line and Hamilton says Gina is born for showing and she knows it. This is the third time Hamilton has shown at the Royal. “It feels like home to me now,” she says. “I was reunited with lots of friends




Jean St-Pierre, Gérant de TI, Comtés unis


de Prescott et Russell, expliquera un

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Le jeudi 5 décembre à 8h00

Photo Candice Vetter


Café et croissants seront servis

Centre Entrepreneurship

Thursday, December 5th, 8am

Tamara Hamilton of North Russell was one of nine local 4-H Calf Club members who made it to the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair in Toronto November 3 to 5. Here she is shown with her Holstein heifer calf, Greenlark Roses Gina, or “Gina”. Hamilton and Gina made it to the final championship round for conformation.

Centre Prescott-Russell

Coffee and croissants will be served

519 Main St. East, Hawkesbury

Réservez maintenant! - Reserve now! ou/or

Tel: 613.632.0918

there from 4-H camp in Toronto and every- one met up.” Hamilton also says, “4-H is my

life. I’ll never drop it. It’s so competitive. I live for when the judge points to me.” She plans to become a 4-H Ambassador in the future and wants to be a role model. “Like Jenna James was for me.” She says it is very intense and emotional. “You work all year, and spend lots of money on food, grooming and everything, and the judge looks at you for 10 seconds.” Hamilton also won Grand Champion in showmanship at the 4-H Achievement Day held at the Navan Fair this year. Other Russell 4-H Club members at the Royal were: Vicki Brisson who placed 3 rd with her Jersey, Evelyn Hildebrand, Julie Meyerhans who placed 14 th in conforma- tion, Sara Loos, who placed 6 th in conform- ation, Mark Nyentap herdsman, Amelia Pat- enaude who also made the finals, Francis St-Onge, and Kelly Ross.


Les élèves de l’École élémentaire pu- blique de la Rivière Castor ont souligné le Jour de l’enfant vendredi dernier. Chaque élève était invité à découper et à décorer un visage qu’ils ont collé par la suite sur une image de la terre, lors du rassemblement, en guise de représentation de l’importance de chaque enfant sur la planète. La journée s’est terminée par le visionnement d’un film au gymnase. Le Club Optimiste a contribué à l’achat d’un jeu pour toutes les classes de l’école. Kyle Girard, Alexandra Charron, Jes- sie Gregory, Sebastien Dillon, Brody Dowell et Mikaela Perry sont fiers du résultat. (AL) Le Jour de l’enfant

Municipal Act, 2001 Section 379 part XI SALE OF LAND BY PUBLIC TENDER

Loi de 2001 sur les municipalités, article 379, partie XI VENTE DE BIEN-FONDS PUBLIQUE La Corporation de la municipalité de La Nation AVIS est donné qu’un appel d’offres est lancé relativement à l’achat du/des bien( s) décrit(s) ci-dessous et que les offres seront reçues jusqu’à 15h, heure locale, le 11 décembre 2013, au bureau municipal, 958 route 500 Ouest, Casselman, Ontario, KOA 1MO. L’ouverture des offres aura lieu en public le même jour au bureau municipal, 958 route 500 Ouest, Casselman Ontario, KOA 1MO.

THE CORPORATION OF THE NATION MUNICIPALITY TAKE NOTICE that sealed tenders are invited for the purchase of the lands described below and will be received until 3:00 p.m. local time on December 11th, 2013, at the Municipal Office, 958 Route 500 West, Casselman Ontario K0A 1M0. The tenders will then be opened in public on the same day at the Municipal Office,958 Route 500 West, Casselman Ontario K0A 1M0. Tenders must be submitted in the prescribed form and must be accompanied by a deposit in the form of a money order or of a bank draft or cheque certified by a bank, trust corporation payable to the municipality and representing at least 20 per cent of the tender amount. The municipality makes no representation regarding the title to or any other matters relating to the land to be sold, including but not limited to the potential existence of environmental contamination. Responsibility for ascertaining these matters rests with the potential purchasers. This sale is governed by the Municipal Act, 2001Section 379 Part XI and the Municipal Tax Sales Rules made under that Act. The successful purchaser will be required to pay the amount tendered plus accumulated taxes, relevant land transfer tax and HST if applicable. Roll No. 0212 001 004 02900 0000 File No. TR-1-2012 PT LT 12 CON 4 CAMBRIDGE PT 1 & 2, 50R2747; THE NATION MUNICIPALITY PIN:69028-0412(LT) The Nation Municipality, County of Russell Description of Lands Description du/des bien(s)-fonds

Minimum Tender Amount Montant minimal de l’offre

AUCTION! The Seaway Auction Company

………… $7,102.26

NO RESERVES! NO BUYERS PREMIUM! FARM/HEAVY EQUIP. STEEL BUILDING SAT NOV 30TH 11AM 4505 ROCKDALE RD. NAVAN ONT. Owner has sold his land and is relocating. Everything will sell to the highest bidder.

Les offres doivent être rédigées selon la formule prescrite et accompagnées d’un dépôt d’au moins 20 pour cent de leur montant, sous forme de mandat, de traite bancaire ou un chèque visé par une banque ou une société de fiducie, fait à l’ordre de la Municipalité de La Nation. Exception faite de ce qui suit, la municipalité ne fait aucune déclaration à l’égard du bien-fonds faisant l’objet de la vente, notamment en ce qui concerne le titre, incluant mais non limité au potentiel existant de l’état environnemental du site. Il incombe aux acheteurs éventuels de faire les vérifications nécessaires. La Loi de 2001 sur les municipalités articles 379 et les Règles concernant les ventes pour non paiement des impôts municipaux adoptées en application de cette loi régissent la vente. L’adjudicataire est tenu de payer le montant de son offre, les impôts accumulés et les droits de cession immobilière applicable ainsi que la TVH si applicable. La municipalité n’est pas tenue d’offrir la libre possession à l’adjudicataire. Pour obtenir des renseignements supplémentaires sur la vente et une copie de la formule d’offre prescrite, s’adresser à:

ITEMS FOR SALE: -New, never erected “Future” Steel Building 30 X 40. Base mounting plates included. Building has a solid back wall. The front wall includes 2.5 ft by 7ft Service door and ready framed to accept 10 X10 ft Overhead door. ( Overhead door not included, building stored inside on pallets) Total purchase price was $30,000 + Pics of building not true representation.

-1989 Case 580K Backhoe (extendahoe) ONLY 5000 hrs. 2wd. Good Condition. Was used on farm only. 2 Buckets.

2000 F350 Dually, Gas V10, 191kms. Safetied/e-tested; TD9 Int Bulldozer (rebuilt); Case 300 Triple range gas tractor; Int 460 diesel tractor; Tandem HD trailer 6 X 15ft; AC 10ft Disc on wheels; Massey 8ft disc; Int 8ft disc; Massey Harris 30 ( for parts); Allis farm wagon; Drill press; 1970 GMC cab and chassis 78,000kms; Lincoln welder, gas 18hp; 10hp Snowblower ( used 1 season); Yamaha 12hp compressor; Finishing mower; Bush hog; Drag harrows; 3pth earth mover; Rototiller; 2 inch gas pump with suction and discharge hoses; Electric arc welder; Air compressors; Work bench with vice; Invertor 3000 watts; Chop saws; 3 Chain saws (one new); Gas pressure washer; 10” Mitre saws; Bench saw; Chain block, Come alongs; Radial arm saw; Portable drills, Air drills; Grinders; Floor and Bottle jacks; Vises; Acetylene torches; Brake and Drum Lathe; New Portable Garage 10x20; Propane & Kerosene heaters; Chains; Load binders; Wheel barrels; Battery chargers; Clamps; Metal Culverts; Lockers; Shelving; Bins; New sewage pump; New deep well pump with wiring and controls; New Shower stall and toilet; New entrance door; Treated & rough lumber; Fence wire, posts, T bars; Metal stairs; H Beams 8ft; 30ft steel beam; Angle iron; Square tubing; Metal grates, 20 sheets drywall; Siding; New garage door opener; New 200 amp panel; 2 Complete sets mechanics tools; plus many other tools and parts too numerous to mention…….

The municipality has no obligation to provide vacant possession to the successful purchaser.

For further information regarding this sale and a copy of the prescribed form of tender, contact:

Mme Cécile Lortie Treasurer /Trésorière Municipality of The Nation / Municipalité de La Nation 958 Route 500 West / Ouest Casselman ON KOA 1MO 613 764-5444 ext /poste 224


Auctioneer not responsible for exact description of items FOR PICS GO TO Info call Jen Blair Manley AUCTIONEER 613-551-4133 CANTEEN ON SITE

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