CCI Newsletter 3 - 2021-2022

London and Area Chapter Board of Directors 2021/2022

President Jennifer Dickenson, BS C (H ONS ), RCM, LCCI

Past-President Stefan Nespoli, B.A.S C ., P. E NG

We are so grateful to all the writers in this and every edition of our CCI Review. We hope the information herein is helpful to you and your community. You are always welcome to inspire us with any topic you have an interest in as it pertains to challenges that may arise in your community. Not a writer ? No problem! We can work with you. We ’ re listening for your comments and suggestions with the Administrator at ccisw@cci - BEFORE YOU GO ANY FURTHER... The information and opinions contained in this publication are brief summaries of complex topics provided by the authors. The Chapter is without liability whatsoever. Readers should always obtain expert advice on their specific situations. For membership and/or advertising information, visit our website or contact the Administrator directly. Advertisements in this publication do not reflect an endorsement by CCI of any company or product. Members are encouraged to compare rates and ask for references when contracting for goods and services. Permission to reprint is hereby granted provided: 1.Notice is given to the CCI - London & Area Chapter in writing to ccisw@cci -; and 2.Proper credit is given as follows:  “ Reprinted from the CCI Review London & Area Chapter, [Year: Issue] All rights reserved ”, and;  Articles must be copied in their entirety.

Vice President Tricia Baratta, R.I.B. (O NT )

Treasurer Michael Watson, CPA, CA, LPA

Secretary Kristi Sargeant-Kerr, LL.B.

Directors Heather Dickenson, BA (Hons), CSC, RCM Chris DiPietro, R.I.B. (O NT ) Tony DiPietro Séan Eglinton, ACCI, LCCI David Leff Laura Gurr, J.D. Lisa Skirten

Administrator Trish Kaplan, CCI (H ON ’ S ) National Representative Tony DiPietro Editor Trish Kaplan, CCI (H ON ’ S )

Layout Design Jennifer Dickenson, BS C (H ONS ), RCM

Newsletter Deadlines

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 51022, 1593 Adelaide Street N. London, ON N5X 4P9 Tel: 519-453-0672

The newsletter is quarterly. The issues are available online only; however, it would be a tremendous help if the contact person from member corporations would en- sure that our Administrator is provided an updated Board of Directors ’ listing, along with their mailing particulars, whenever there is a change and certainly prior to each mailing—no later than the first day of August, November, March, and May (subject to change). Please email or write the Administrator with this information. You can cc your manager to let them know that you have carried out the task. Managers will be grateful for your assist. Complete the form with changes and email.: - CHANGE - Form - fillable.pdf

Email: Website:

Note: The address is a postal outlet/ mailbox only. Please contact the Adminis- trator by email where delivery must be arranged

CCI Review 2021/2022 —March 2022 - 2

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