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Le Lien communautaire est réservé uniquement aux organismes sans but lucratif de la communauté qui souhaitent annoncer des événements à venir. Dans la mesure du possible, veuillez nous faire parvenir l’information par courriel une semaine à l’avance. The Community Link is solely reserved to non-profit community groups who wish to announce upcoming events. Please send us the information one week in advance by email. Priorities will be decided according to the number of events and the available space. ENVOYER À | SEND TO: nouvelles@eap.on.ca. Souper spectacle -FDMVCM"NJDBMF#FMMF3JWFPSHBOJTF VOTPVQFSTQFDUBDMFBWFD.BSJF$MBVEF %VCFBVFU+PGGSFZ DIBOTPOOJFS BV+BS EJO#FMMF3JWF MFKVJO3ÊTFSWBUJPOø -BVSFOUBV Souper bénéfice Les Chevaliers de Colomb de Che OFZ)BNNPOEPSHBOJTFOUVOTPVQFS CÊOÊàDFMFNBJQSPDIBJO ÆMÊDPMF 4U.BUIJFV Æ )BNNPOE EF I Æ I*OGPSNBUJPOø.BVSJDF(FOESPO BV Cercle de soutien -6OJPO DVMUVSFMMF EFT 'SBODP0O tariennes organise un cercle de sou tien francophone pour les personnes BJEBOUFT MFNBJEFIÆI BWFD QFUJU EÊKFVOFS BV TPVTTPM EV QSFTCZUÍSFEFMBQBSPJTTF4UF'ÊMJDJUÊ *OGPSNBUJPOFUSÊTFSWBUJPO.BSJF"OOF 7BMMÊFBVPVNBWBMMFF! gmail.com Blood donor clinic / Clinique de sang .BZ .BJ ø 3JWFS Rock Inn. "QQPJOUFNFOU3FOEF[7PVT %0/"5&m+&%0//& 44 e souper d’homard Le Club Optimiste de Rockland orga nise son souper d’homard annuel le 1 er KVJOQSPDIBJO EFIÆI ÆMBSÊOB +FBO.BSD-BMPOEF*OGPSNBUJPOø%FOJTF BV PV Æ EFOJTFNW! videotron.ca. Souper de fèves au lard et macaroni Les Chevaliers de Colomb de Rockland organisent un souper de fèves au lards et macaroni, le 17 mai QSPDIBJO EFIÆI BV$MVC Powers. Les enfants de moins de 12 ans mangent gratuitement. Information : Garage Sale in Bourget .FHB HBSBHF TBMF BU #PVSHFUT 4BDSÊ$PFVS1BSJTIPO.BZ GSPN BNUPQN1MFBTFSFTFSWFZPVSTQBDF CFGPSF.BZ 17. Information: Odette at communautaire community link Le lien The
The question of the day Patients always ask me, “When is it time to get dentures?” My answer, “Only if we need to pull all of your teeth out!” The value of keeping your natural teeth is much greater than people realize. When we have no other choice but to remove the existing teeth, I explain the extraction process, the resulting loss of function, and the adaptation phase. What can you expect from a dental prosthetic? Patients experience important drawbacks when undergoing tooth replacement which is why as a dental professional I do my best to help you keep your natural teeth healthy and functional. The human body is remarkable. Patients usually go from 100% function to 10% with a complete lower denture, regaining most function after a certain adjustment period. It’s not easy,but things do get better.Things usually improve three weeks following an extraction, but the mouth’s structure is severely affected. The remaining bone structure fades away (this happens to everyone) leaving the denture with less and less of support and stability. This loss of bone mass creates painful shifting on the gums. Some people grow accustomed to this, some use glue, and some refuse to wear their dentures all-together, while others get dental implants. These facts lead me to my next question: when is it time to get dental implants? For my patients and me the answer is: as soon as possible! There are two major factors to consider. The first: the loss of bone structure. This is something you cannot get back! Without the support of a denture, your face begins to have a sunken look. The second: function. As I mentioned, people can manage some function, but only 20% to 25% compared to natural teeth. So, the question you need to ask yourself is: how long are you willing to suffer and how much of your facial structure are you willing to lose? I have a wonderful story for you. A couple of years ago, I had the pleasure of meeting a 98-year-old gentleman who was in good health. He came to me and said, “I want posts so that I can eat.” I clarified and explained that he wanted to achieve better function with his denture by getting increased support from dental implants. I wondered why anyone would want to get dental implants at 98 years of age, but as we worked together, it became clear to me. The answer was simple: one of his life’s greatest pleasure was gone. He had lost the ability to eat comfortably and easily. If I could solve that issue with dental implants, it would be incredibly valuable to his quality of life. Once the procedures were done, the gentleman was very pleased with the results and several senior citizens who were well into their 90s came to see me for the same solution. The lesson here is simple: do not wait until you are in your 90s to get dental implants and regain your quality of life. Nicholas Fournier, DD When to Get Dental Implants?
South Nation Conservation (SNC) and partners added another 310 trees to the Eastern Ontario landscape through a planting event in the Township of Alfred Plantagenet on May 11. SNC teamed up with youth from the 58e St-Bernard de Fournier Scouts group to refill an existing tree buffer near Curran, Ontario. Local scouts worked together to plant 290 White Spruce seedlings and 20 Red Osier Dogwood shrubs, contributing to the area’s forest cover and wildlife habitat. —supplied photo
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GPSFTUJFSFUÆMIBCJUBUGBVOJRVFEFMBSÊHJPO -FQBSUFOBSJBUFOUSFMB$/4FUMFF dure maintenant depuis douze ans. Chaque QSJOUFNQT DFMMFDJPGGSFBVYQSPQSJÊUBJSFT fonciers, aux organismes et aux munici palités membres une gamme diverse de subventions et de programmes pour favoriser la plantation sur les terrains inoccupés, les berges de ruisseaux et les zones tampons. En plus des activités communautaires de plantation d’arbres, certains organismes commanditaires font un don d’arbres gratuits aux propriétaires fonciers dans des endroits spécifiques. Les organisations qui cherchent ÆTBTTPDJFSÆDFTJOJUJBUJWFTQFVWFOUDPN NVOJRVFSBWFDMB$/4
La municipalité d’Alfred-Plantagenet semble plus verte ces jours-ci. -B$POTFSWBUJPOEFMB/BUJPO4VE $/4 ainsi que ses partenaires ont planté 310 arbres dans la région, lors d’un événement de plantation, qui avait lieu le 11 mai dernier. C’est avec l’aide acharné de plusieurs TDPVUTEVFHSPVQFEF4U#FSOBSEEF 'PVSOJFSRVFMB$/4ÆSÊVTTJÆSFHBSOJSVOF zone tampon d’arbres existante près de Curran. Les scouts ont planté 290 semis EÊQJOFUUFCMBODIFFUBSCVTUFT DPSOPVJM MFSTUPOPMJGÍSF DPOUSJCVBOUBJOTJBVDPVWFSU
Nicolas St-Pierre, un élève de 11e année de l’École secondaire catholique de Plantagenet, a récemment remporté le concours annuel Mordus des mots . Il verra son texte, une nouvelle littéraire de type fantastique, publié dans un recueil. « J’ai décidé de participer, car je voulais perfectionner ma créativité dans un médium autre que celui auquel je suis habitué, celui de l’audiovisuel », a expliqué Nicolas St-Pierre, qui avait accepté de relever le défi proposé dans le contexte de son cours de Français théorique de 11e année, l’automne dernier. À l’automne 2018, les Éditions David présentaient le concours de création littéraire Mordus des mots aux élèves des 11e et 12e années des écoles secondaires de l’Ontario français, avec l’aide du ministère de l’Éducation de l’Ontario. Chaque année depuis neuf ans, le concours propose un genre littéraire différent aux élèves. —photo fournie
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Consultez-nous pour un service adapté à vos besoins et votre personnalité.
613-446-3336 fournierdenturistclinic.ca 2911 rue Laurier, bureau 105, Rockland , ON
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