
Do’s &Don’ts

his know-how to design this pro- gram. That—and the gift of knowing how to keep things simple.

Another downfall that the Slaugh- ters overcame happened a few years after they recovered from the bank - ruptcy. It was another devastating event, but they persevered and rose above it. “We had a business partner steal nearly a million dollars from us in 2016. That was my 50th birthday present,” Greg recalled. “He took $800,000 that was supposed to go into a project. We had to overcome that huge obstacle as well and ended up raising money instead to do that project. He was a friend who basical - ly Ponzi schemed the money.” That kick in the gut spurred the Slaughters to keep going. They remained a strong team with a stronger focus for doing well and for sharing their knowledge with others. ONWORKING (AND LIVING) TOGETHER It is not uncommon for success stories to involve two opposing per - sonality types. The Slaughters have proven to be compatible when it comes to business and marriage and they credit that to how different they are from one another. “We complement each other. We are opposites in many ways,” Greg said. “In every way!” Kim laughed. “But that is what makes us a pow- erful team,” Greg said. Greg’s strengths include systemiz - ing things to make processes easier and having endless energy and pas - sion to share his experience. “I am driven that’s for sure. I could easily work 16 hours a day and not even think about it,” he said. “I am the last person to ask about shows on Netflix! I don’t have a clue about that, but I have run businesses since I was 17 and I understand how to hire people. I understand how to appoint

DON’T quit your job too soon.

LEARNING CURVES Before one can teach others a craft, skill, or business, the teach - er himself typically has overcome obstacles to get him in the position to instruct others. That is true for Greg, who has overcome multiple obstacles in his life, from which he hopes others can learn. “We’ve started over a couple times,” he said. “We bought our first property in 1999, and I left corporate America in 2002. I knew I wanted to be a millionaire when I was 17 years old. But I didn’t realize I had the wrong goal.” From 2002-2006 the Slaughters did very well in real estate invest - ing, and they were in fact million - aires. But was their mission accom - plished? Not even close. “We thought we could retire because I had hit my goal. We trav - eled Europe for a month. But the market crashed when we got back, and we lost everything. We had to start over completely. We filed bank - ruptcy and borrowed money from parents. What I learned from that is I had the wrong goal. My entire focus was to be a millionaire. That’s noth- ing. That’s paper money. It means nothing. The name of the game is cashflow,” Greg said. April 12, 2011, is a date that holds a meaning of fresh starts for the Slaughters. That was the day their bankruptcy was discharged. “We could begin again,” Greg said. “The quote from Tony Rob- bins, ‘What you focus on is what you get’—I firmly believe that. Now, I am focused on the right goal. We don’t do anything unless it directly increases our cashflow.”

DO know your WHY.

DON’T chase shiny objects and flip strategies too quickly.

DO write down your vision and focus on what you want, not where you are.

the right people. It’s literally what I’ve done since I was a teenager.” Kim, a Realtor ® for 20 years licensed in Arizona, is the organiza - tion part of the team and a self-pro- claimed extrovert—a people person. “I can connect with business con - tacts on the personal level and I can adapt to personality types. I am a work in progress when it comes to sales skills, but I am getting better,” she said. Greg added, “I can go in there and drive results, she can come in before

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