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&/#3&'r#3*&'4 FLOOD MAPPING UPDATE The United Counties of Prescott-Rus- sell (UCPR) wants to update the flood maps for the region along the Ottawa River. The current maps date back to the late 1990s and last year’s flood problems in Rockland, L’Orignal, and other areas along the river proved more accurate maps are needed. A delegation from the UCPR and the South Nation Conservation Authority (SNC) met with provincial government officials on the subject during the recent Association of Municipalities of Ontario conference in Ottawa.– Gregg Chamberlain GAGNANT DU TIRAGE MENSUEL Les gagnants du tirage mensuel de la Fondation des Services communau- taires de Prescott et Russell du mois d’octobre sont Jonathan Brunette, d’Alfred, et Hervé Castonguay, de Saint-Isidore. M. Brunette a remporté 400 $ grâce au numéro 299 et M. Castonguay a pour sa part gagné 100$ grâce au numéro 103. GAGNANT DU TIRAGE-VOYAGES Le gagnant du tirage-voyages du Club Optimiste de Hawkesbury pour le mois d’octobre 2018 est Yves Carrière de L’Orignal.

GREGG CHAMBERLAIN WHO WILL BE NEXT YEAR’S UCPR WARDEN? position to a new mayor because that person is busy becoming familiar with the position. Solutions

The inauguration of the new counties council takes place in mid-December but there may be a little problem finding someone to take the position of warden of the counties for next year. The tradition is that the position of warden for the United Counties of Prescott-Russell (UCPR) alternates each year between the mayors of the eastern part of the counties and those of the west. The results of the recent municipal elec- tion have left Robert Kirby, the incumbent NBZPSPG&BTU)BXLFTCVSZ5PXOTIJQ BT the sole experienced candidate from the FBTUFSOQBSUPGUIFDPVOUJFT)FIBTTFSWFE as warden in past years, during the time he IBTSFQSFTFOUFE&BTU)BXLFTCVSZBU6$13 council. “I hadn’t planned on running,” Kirby said during an interview following the October 24 counties council session. “I’ve got quite a lot on my plate right now. I won’t be putting my name in for warden.” The problem is that the other three east- ern mayors are all new to their positions as NBZPST UIPVHIBUMFBTUPOF /PSNBOE3JPQFM of Champlain Township, has extensive past experience as a councillor for Champlain Township to help him with becoming accus- tomed to his new duties. In the past, UCPR council has avoided giving the warden’s

Mayor François St-Amour is the current UCPR warden and, according to tradition, will step down from the position in December as part of the usual inaugural ceremony for the new counties council. There has been EJTDVTTJPOJOUIFQBTUBCPVUNBLJOHUIF warden’s position a two-year term, to help provide continuity for the UCPR with some of its dealings on issues with the provincial BOEGFEFSBMHPWFSONFOUT"TLJOH4U"NPVS  who is one of UCPR’s western mayors, to continue on as warden for another year could be one way to resolve the situation. “I would rather step down,” said St-Amour during an October 29 phone interview, “and see what the new members (of counties council) have to say.” Another solution might be to allow an exception to tradition and allow the current experienced mayors from the western part of the counties to stand for the warden position. “The tradition does call for it to be an eastern mayor though,” said Stéphane Pa- risien, UCPR chief administrator. “But I’m going to do some ‘fishing’ to see.”

Le maire Robert Kirby du Canton de Hawkesbury Est n’a pas envie de devenir directeur l’an prochain pour les Comtés unis de Prescott et Russell (CUPR) car il est trop occupé avec les affaires de sa propre municipalité et ses préoccupations familiales. La tradition veut que le poste de directeur alterne chaque année entre les maires de l’est des CUPR et ceux de l’ouest, mais les résultats des élections municipales de cette année ont fait de M. Kirby le seul candidat expérimenté disponible dans l’est. —archives

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