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André Goyette is crossing his fingers and hoping for lots of sunny days this spring to dry out the fields fast so that a new soccer season can begin for young athletes in Prescott-Russell. 5IFWJDFQSFTJEFOUPG$MVC4PDDFS130 observed that the past two years of the pandemic have been a hard hit to youth soc- cer for the region. The lockdowns and then the later restrictions on outdoor gatherings IBWFLFQUZPVUITPDDFSTJEFMJOFE/PXUIBU pandemic restrictions are relaxing, Goyette BOEPUIFS4PDDFS130WPMVOUFFSTBSF working to revive youth soccer as a summer season recreational activity. «Right now, after two years of no activity,» Goyette said during an interview, «it’s time now to get the word out there that we’re back.» Prescott-Russell youth soccer history Organized youth soccer for the region CFHBO JOXIFO UIF4PDDFS130 Association was formed as a result, Goyette explained, of a «kitche table talk» session between him and several others about how popular soccer was becoming among Canadian youth. That led to contacting the Eastern Ontario District Soccer Association (EODSA) to create two new geographical sec- tions for the EODSA’s program. The two new sections are designated as «Hawkesbury» and «Plantagenet» but Goyette noted that youth players from other communities in the Prescott-Russell were always welcomed. Over the years the number of players TJHOFEVQGPSUIF4PDDFS130EJWJTJPOT UPQQFENPSFUIBOEVSJOHTPNFTFBTPOT The Hawkesbury chapter suspended its acti- WJUJFTJOCFDBVTFPGMBDLPGWPMVOUFFST but there was hope of reviving the chapter’s TFBTPOTDIFEVMFBUBMBUFSEBUFVOUJM when the pandemic shut down the season for all sports everywhere. Soccer revival /PX (PZFUUF BOE PUIFS SFNBJOJOH WPMVOUFFST XJUI 4PDDFS 130 IPQF UP resurrect youth soccer this spring. They are waiting for the EODSA to announce season schedules by the end of April and are doing a public awareness campaign to let parents and children know that youth soccer will be

Le soccer juvénile à Prescott-Russell fait un retour en force après deux ans de fermeture pandémique. L’association Soccer PRO17 recrute des joueurs, âgés de 5 à 12 ans, pour une nouvelle saison de soccer pour les jeunes. Les détails sont disponibles sur www. —photo d’archives available again as a summer sport.

program, including registration details, is BWBJMBCMFBUXXXQSPTPDDFSDBPSUISPVHI

the group’s Facebook page at www.facebook. DPN$MVC4PDDFS1SP

«It’s getting the word out,» said Goyette. «It’s just a question of knowing how many kids we’ll have available for each division.» 5IFHPBMJTUPIBWFQMBZFSTGPS6 BHFT BOE 6 BHFTBOE 6 BHFTBOE  BOE6 BHFTBOE EJWJTJPOT Having enough coaching staff will not be a problem as some players from past seasons who are now in their teens have indicated they are ready to share their experience as a new generation of volunteer coaches. 5IF)BXLFTCVSZDIBQUFSPG4PDDFS130 is also going to offer its coaches a modest stipend for teaching children how to play soccer this season. Goyette emphasized that the goal of Soc- DFS130JTUPQSPWJEFMPDBMZPVUIXJUIB chance to play soccer, to have fun playing soccer, and to make friends and learn good sportsmanship, regardless whether they win games or not. «The goal for our group has always been to help develop good citizens,» said Goyette. j:PVDBOMPTFBHBNFCVUTUJMMXJOCZIBWJOH fun. That lesson can go a long way.» .PSFJOGPSNBUJPOPOUIF4PDDFS130


Publié le mercredi par • Published on Wednesday by: La Compagnie d’édition André Paquette Inc. Imprimé par • Printed by: Imprimerie Prescott et Russell, Hawkesbury, ON # convention : 0040012398 1100, rue Aberdeen Street, C.P. / P.O. Box 1000, Hawkesbury, ON K6A 3H1 1-800-267-0850 Fax.: 613-632-6383

BERTRAND CASTONGUAY Président • President YVAN JOLY Directeur des ventes Sales director

A few dozen people gathered in front of Town Hall in Hawkesbury on April 2 to raise the flag for World Autism Awareness Day. —photo Charles Durocher


QBOEÊNJFEF$07*%RVJBFYBDFSCÊMFT inégalités systémiques en éducation aux dépens des personnes plus vulnérables. La mairesse de Hawkesbury Paula Assaly souligne l’importance de cette journée pour la communauté : « À chaque année, on se réunit devant l’hôtel de ville pour lever le drapeau afin de souligner la journée mon- diale de la sensibilisation à l’autisme. On n’a pas été en mesure de se rassembler au cours des deux dernières années en raison de la COVID, donc on est heureux de pouvoir se rassembler à nouveau cette année pour souligner cette journée. On espère que l’année prochaine il y aura encore plus de gens qui vont participer. »

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Quelques douzaines de personnes se sont rassemblées devant l’hôtel de ville de Hawkesbury le 2 avril dernier pour une levée de drapeau spéciale dans le cadre de la journée mondiale de la sensibilisation à l’autisme. Le 2 avril est la journée mondiale de la sensibilisation à l’autisme depuis sa créa- UJPOQBSMFT/BUJPOT6OJFTFO$FUUF journée permet de sensibiliser la population aux enjeux vécus par les personnes autistes et leurs familles. Le thème de cette année était l’éducation inclusive, un enjeu particu- lièrement important depuis le début de la

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