BFA Nomination Booklet 2020

Lisa Plesha, Vice President ’ s Office Lisa is always there to be the expert on ways that legislation impacts the Uni- versity. Many times, I have heard something that the governor or other rep- resentative passes, and I wonder how that will impact Central. But I don't re- ally need to wonder because we have a dedicated area that considers the fiscal impact to the University. I appreciate her expertise and her willingness to share her knowledge. Missy Davis, Human Resources Missy is my go - to person. Anytime I need to test something out or have ques- tions about techy stuff, she is always available. She never makes me feel like she is too busy to help. Her attention to detail and planning is above and be- yond. She always has a smile on her face and never feels like I am a bother, even though I probably am. LOL! Tracy Jackson, Facilities Finance Tracy has only been at CWU for a short period of three years, but her wealth of knowledge soars beyond that. No matter the question she has an answer to it! She has never made me feel like I am incompetent at my job and is al- ways willing to help by sharing her knowledge. Tracy is an obvious contact for our whole department and demonstrates her willingness to help daily. She has continued to make our department run more efficiently while increasing accountability throughout.


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